Usefulness of nutritional indices and classifications in predicting death of malnourished children

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dc.contributor.authorBriend, Andre-
dc.contributor.authorDykewicz, Clare-
dc.contributor.authorGraven, Krista-
dc.contributor.authorMazumder, Ramendra N.-
dc.contributor.authorWojtyniak, Bogdan-
dc.contributor.authorBennish, Michael-
dc.identifier.citationBr Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1986 Aug 9;293(6543):373-5en
dc.description.abstractThe usefulness of nutritional indices and classifications in predicting the death of children under 5 years old was evaluated by comparing measurements of 34 children with diarrhoea who died in a Dhaka hospital with those of 318 patients who were discharged in a satisfactory condition. In a logistic regression analysis mid-upper arm circumference was found to be as effective as other nutritional indices in predicting death. Combinations of different indices did not improve the prediction. Arm circumference might be preferable to more complex criteria for predicting the death of malnourished childrenen
dc.format.extent612123 bytes-
dc.subjectDiarrheal diseasesen
dc.subjectChild Mortalityen
dc.subjectCauses of deathen
dc.titleUsefulness of nutritional indices and classifications in predicting death of malnourished childrenen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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