Effect of women-focused development programme on nutritional status of rural women

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dc.contributor.authorRasheed, Sabrina-
dc.contributor.authorBhuiya, Abbas-
dc.contributor.authorHyder, SM Ziauddin-
dc.contributor.authorChowdhury, A.M.R-
dc.description.abstractObjective: Assess the effect of women-focused development programme on the nutritional status of women measured by the body mass index (3ml). Methodology: Anthropometric measurements and socioeconomic information of 1,597 women aged 15-55 years were obtained from eight villages of Matlab thana, through the BRAC-ICDDR.B Joint Research Project during April-August 1995. BMI of <16 was used as a cut-off point for severe chronic energy deficiency. The association between the proportion of women with BMI of <16 and the BRAC membership status (categorized as BRAC member poor, BRAC non-member poor and rich ) was explored in both bivariate and multivariate analyses. In the multivariate analysis, the effect of age, parity, and education of women was controlled. Results: According to the multivariate analysis, age, parity, and BRAC membership status of the households showed a significant association with the proportion of severely malnourished women. In the comparative sense, the BRAC-member women had a 35% more chance of being severely malnourished, whereas the BRAC-non-member poor women had a 64% more chance of being severely malnourished than the women from the rich households. Conclusion: The development programme focused on women has a positive impact on the women's nutritional statusen
dc.format.extent49186 bytes-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJ Diarrhoeal Dis Resen
dc.relation.ispartofseries1998 Jun;16(2):116en
dc.subjectWomen's Healthen
dc.subjectNutitional Statusen
dc.titleEffect of women-focused development programme on nutritional status of rural womenen
Appears in Collections:Population sciences conference papers

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