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Determinants of safe delivery ractices in rural Bangladesh


Rahman, M Mafizur
Kane, Thomas T
Reza, Masud
Mozumder, A.B.M. Khorshed A.
Objective: Investigate the demographic, socioeconomic and cultural factors associated with safe delivery practices in rural Bangladesh.
Methodology: Data were drawn from a cross-sectional survey conducted in six rural subdistricts of Bangladesh in 1994. A sample of 10,368 currently married women of reproductive age was selected, following the multistage random-sampling procedures, they were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to elicit information on various demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and selected programmatic variables, including public health issues, such as maternal health care and delivery practices. In analyzing data, descriptive statistics and multivariate regression methods were employed. In this analysis, the term "safe delivery" refers to a delivery conducted by a qualified person, such as registered physician, paramedic, nurse, or trained traditional birth attendant.
Results: The results of the study showed that almost all deliveries (99%) took place at homes of the women, and most of them (93%) were conducted by the untrained traditional birth attendants, relatives, or neighbours in unsafe and unhygienic conditions. Only 7% of the deliveries (referred to here as "safe deliveries") were conducted by the qualified persons, such as registered physicians, nurses, paramedics, and traditional birth attendants. The multivariate regression results showed that the younger women and the women with lower parity were significantly more likely to have safe deliveries. Education and exposure to radio and television were significantly associated with the safe delivery practices. The women with five or more years of education, and those who possessed radio or television, were also more likely to have safe delivery.
Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that information, education, and communication (IEC) activities should be strengthened to educate the community, particularly the uneducated and older women on the importance of safe delivery. Pregnant women need greater access to trained providers and facilities providing emergency obstetric care.
J Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1998 Jun;16(2):100