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Serum zinc and vitamin A status of malnourished children fed a high-protein diet during recovery Diet during Recovery
Kabir, I.
Rahman, M.M.
Haider, R.
Mazumder, R.N.
Mahalanabis, Dilip
Objective: Evaluate the effect of a high-protein diet on growth, serum proteins, and micronutrient status of malnourished children.
Methodology: Sixty-nine children were randomized to receive either a high-protein (HP) or a standard protein (SP) diet for three weeks in the metabolic study ward, and then followed up at home for six months. Body weight and height were measured, and concentrations of serum proteins, retinol, and zinc were also determined on admission at 3 weeks, and at 6 months.
Results: The mean±SD height increment was 5.3± 1.0 cm in the HP group compared to 4.2+1.1 cm in the SP group (p<0.001). The mean increment of serum protein concentrations (7.5 g/L vs. 2.9 g/L) and retinol (45 ug/L vs. 20 ug/L) was significantly higher in the HP group compared to the SP group at 3 weeks, but not at 6 months. Inspite of higher dietary zinc intake in the HP group than in the SP group (5.7 mg/kg.d vs. 2.9 mg/ kg.d), the serum zinc concentrations were not significantly different between the two groups.
Conclusion: Diet rich in protein, energy, and micronutrients fed during the recovery period enhances the growth of malnourished children, but does not have sustained effects on protein and micronutrient status
J Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1998 Mar;16(1):42