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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-1972Neonatal and post neo natal mortality in a rural area of BangladeshStoeckel, John; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin
May-19701966-1969 cholera-vacine field in trial East Pakistan: effectiveness of monovalent ogawa and inaba antigen, with comparative results serological and animal protecton testsMosley, Wiley Henry; Woodward, William E.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Chowdury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Ahmed, Ansaruddin; Feeley, John C.
May-1970Antitoxic immunity to cholera in isolated perfused canine ileal segmentsCurlin, Goerge T.; Carpenter, Charles C. Jr.
1978Cause and effects of famine inthe rural population : a report from BangladeshRahman, M. Mujibur
Feb-1979Chlorpromazine reduces fluid-loss in choleraRabbani, G.H.; Greenough, William B. III; Holmgren, J.; Lönnroth, I.
Aug-1970Characteristics of the serum vibriocidal and aggluting antibodies in cholera cases and in normal residents of the endemic and non-cholera areasAhmed, Ansaruddin; Bhattacharjee, A.K.; Mosley, Wiley Henry
1977Changing antibiotic sensitivity pattern of the commonly occuring organisms causing dysentryHuq, I.; Aziz, K.M.S.
Mar-1973Cholera antitoxin titrations: a comparative study of fat-cell, ileal-loop, and rabbit-skin assaysCurlin, George T.; Mosley, Wiley Henry; Greenough, William B. 3rd
1979Cholera epidemiology-some environmental aspectsMosley, Wiley Henry; Khan, Moslemuddin
Feb-1970The changing pattern of cholera in east pakistan, the appreance of E1 tor vibrio choleraeKhan, Moslemuddin; Bart, Kenneth J.; Haq, Zahidul