Paramedic-conducted mental health counselling for abused women in rural Bangladesh: an evaluation from the perspective of participants

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dc.contributor.authorNaved, Ruchira T.-
dc.contributor.authorRimi, Nadia A.-
dc.contributor.authorJahan, Shamshad-
dc.contributor.authorLindmark, Gunilla-
dc.identifier.citationJ Health Popul Nutr 2009 Aug;27(4):477-91en
dc.description.abstractThis paper reports on evaluation of an initiative to use paramedics as the first-level mental health counsellors of abused women in rural Bangladesh (2003-2004) from the perspective of the abused women who participated in one or more counselling sessions. Thirty in-depth interviews, followed by a survey(n=372), targeted to cover all participants, were conducted in 2006. Overall, the arrangement, management of ethical issues, and skills of paramedics were rated favourably. Most (89%) abused women (n=372) considered the session useful; one-fourth of these women considered it very useful; and only a few abused women considered the session useless. Usefulness of the session was expressed mostly in terms of relief attained after talking about the issue. Most (87%) women reported being encouraged to be self-confident. In a context characterized by low self-confidence of women, lack of opportunity to talk about violence, and absence of professional mental health counselling services, this initiative is sufficiently promising to warrant further testingen
dc.format.extent174790 bytes-
dc.subjectMental Health Servicesen
dc.subjectProgram Evaluationen
dc.subjectRural Populationen
dc.subjectWomen's Healthen
dc.subjectYoung Adulten
dc.subjectBattered Women-psychologyen
dc.subjectAllied Health Personnelen
dc.subjectInterviews as Topicen
dc.subjectLogistic Modelsen
dc.titleParamedic-conducted mental health counselling for abused women in rural Bangladesh: an evaluation from the perspective of participantsen
Appears in Collections:Public health sciences research papers

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