Delivery practices of traditional birth attendants in Dhaka slums, Bangladesh.

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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorFronczak, N.-
dc.contributor.authorArifeen, S.E.-
dc.contributor.authorMoran, A.C.-
dc.contributor.authorCaulfield, L.E.-
dc.contributor.authorBaqui, A.H.-
dc.identifier.citationJ Health Popul Nutr 2007 Dec;25(4):479-87en
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes associations among delivery-location, training of birth attendants, birthing practices, and early postpartum morbidity in women in slum areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh. During November 1993-May 1995, data on delivery-location, training of birth attendants, birthing practices, delivery-related complications, and postpartum morbidity were collected through interviews with 1,506 women, 489 home-based birth attendants, and audits in 20 facilities where the women from this study gave birth. Associations among maternal characteristics, birth practices, delivery-location, and early postpartum morbidity were specifically explored. Self-reported postpartum morbidity was associated with maternal characteristics, delivery-related complications, and some birthing practices. Dais with more experience were more likely to use potentially-harmful birthing practices which increased the risk of postpartum morbidity among women with births at home. Postpartum morbidity did not differ by birth-location. Safe motherhood programmes must develop effective strategies to discourage potentially-harmful home-based delivery practices demonstrated to contribute to morbidityen
dc.format.extent173104 bytes-
dc.subjectMaternal Mortalityen
dc.subjectMedicine, Traditionalen
dc.subjectInfant Mortalityen
dc.subjectProspective Studiesen
dc.subjectRisk Factorsen
dc.subjectRural Populationen
dc.subjectObstetric Labor Complications-epidemiologyen
dc.titleDelivery practices of traditional birth attendants in Dhaka slums, Bangladesh.en
Appears in Collections:Health and family planning systems research papers

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