Emergence of multidrug-resistant salmonella gloucester and salmonella typhimurium in Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.authorRahman, Mahbubur-
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Hafizul-
dc.contributor.authorAhmed, Dilruba-
dc.contributor.authorSack, R.B.-
dc.identifier.citationJ Health Popul Nutr 2001 Sep;19(3):191-198en
dc.description.abstractInfections due to non-typhoid Salmonella, resistant to antibiotics, have recently emerged as an important health problem worldwide. Antibiotic resistance was studied by the disc-diffusion method among 3,876 (2.78%) non-typhoid Salmonella isolates cultured from 139,279 faecal samples in a diarrhoea treatment centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh, during 1989-1996. Of 499 salmonellae isolated in 1989, serogroup C (1.12%) was the most common, followed by Salmonella Typhi (0.72 %) and serogroup B (0.71%). Isolation rate of serogroup B increased significantly to 2.18% (p<0.01) in 1992 compared to 0.56% in 1991, 2.86% in 1995, and 2.48% in 1996. Serotyping of 194 serogroup B isolates revealed Salmonella Typhimurium (52%) and Salmonella Gloucester (45%) as predominant serotypes. Resistance to ampicillin (A), chloramphenicol (C), and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (Sxt) (R type-ACSxt) increased to 89-100% during 1992-1996 from 20-28% during 1989-1991 (p<0.01) among S. Typhimurium and S. Gloucester isolates. In 1993, 8-10% of the strains of both the serotypes, resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, acquired resistance to ceftriaxone (Cr) (R type-ACSxtCr), which increased to 85-92% in 1996 (p<0.01). All were susceptible to ciprofloxacin. A 157-kb conjugative plasmid transferred R type-ACSxt from both the serotypes to Escherichia coli K-12. The findings of the study suggest the emergence of multidrug-resistant S. Gloucester and S. Typhimurium for the first time as a significant health problem in Bangladesh, and surveillance is essential to monitor the resistant non-typhoid Salmonella and identify its sources and modes of transmissionen
dc.format.extent429968 bytes-
dc.subjectSalmonella infectionsen
dc.subjectDrug resistanceen
dc.subjectAntibiotic resistanceen
dc.titleEmergence of multidrug-resistant salmonella gloucester and salmonella typhimurium in Bangladeshen
Appears in Collections:Laboratory sciences research papers

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