Knowledge Repository
Reduced osmolarity oral rehydration solution for persistent diarrhea in infants: a randomized controlled clinical trial


Sarker, S.A.
Mahalanabis, D.
Alam, N.H.
Sharmin, S.
Khan, A.M.
Fuchs, G.J.
We evaluated and compared the efficacy of the World Health Organization (WHO) oral rehydration solution (ORS) and 2 different formulations of reduced osmolarity ORSs in infants with persistent diarrhea. STUDY DESIGN: Infants with persistent diarrhea (n = 95) were randomized to 1 of the 3 ORSs: WHO-ORS (control, n = 32), a glucose-based reduced osmolarity ORS (RORS-G, n = 30), or a rice-based reduced osmolarity ORS (RORS-R, n = 31) for replacement of ongoing stool losses for up to 7 days. Major outcome measures were stool volume and frequency, ORS intake, and resolution of diarrhea. RESULTS: Although there were variations from one study day to another, the stool volume was approximately 40% less in the reduced osmolarity ORS groups; consequently, these children required less ORS (22% for RORS-G and 27% for RORS-R groups). A higher proportion of children in the RORS-R groups also had resolution of diarrhea during the study period. No children in any of the treatment groups had hyponatremia. CONCLUSION: Reduced osmolarity ORS is clinically more effective than WHO-ORS and may thus be advantageous for use in the treatment of children with persistent diarrhea
J Pediatr 2001 Apr;138(4):532-8