Evaluation of preventive health services for hospitalised children under a Child Health Programme

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dc.contributor.authorIslam, M. Aminul-
dc.contributor.authorThilsted, Shakuntala H.-
dc.contributor.authorMahalanabis, Dilip-
dc.identifier.citationJ Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1992 Dec;10(4):205-212-
dc.description.abstractIn the hospital of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, the Child Health Programme (CHP) has been offering preventive health care services to about 60,000 patients per year. The patient populations arc mostly children who stay with their mothers or other relatives. In this programme, health education, immunisation and nutrition rehabilitation services are offered. Health education is offered as group discussion and face-to-face interaction between the educator and the mother. Immunisation is offered dairy from OTOOh to 1900h to all children and women attending the hospital Nutrition rehabilitation services, both inpaticnt and outpatient, arc offered to severely undernourished children. These preventive services arc implemented by health workers and health assistants. All attendants and adult patients participate in health education sessions. More than 80% of unimmunised children and 50% of unimmuniscd women receive immunisation. The experience of the CHP shows that it is possible to offer different preventive health care services to all attendants and patients attending a busy hospital.en
dc.format.extent409828 bytes-
dc.subjectPreventive servicesen
dc.subjectHealth educationen
dc.subjectNutrition rehabilitationen
dc.subjectPrimary health careen
dc.subjectDiarrheal diseasesen
dc.titleEvaluation of preventive health services for hospitalised children under a Child Health Programmeen
Appears in Collections:Child health research papers

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