Association of Providencia alcalifaciens with diarrhea in children

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dc.contributor.authorAlbert, M. John-
dc.contributor.authorFaruque, A.S.G.-
dc.contributor.authorMahalanabis, Dilip-
dc.identifier.citationJ Clin Microbiol 1998 May;36(5):1433-5en
dc.description.abstractIt has been demonstrated in previous studies that Providencia alcalifaciens can produce diarrhea by an invasive mechanism. In the present study, P. alcalifaciens was isolated from the stool specimens of 17 of 814 diarrheal children younger than 5 years of age (2.1%) and from those of 4 of 814 matched controls (0.49%) (P = 0.004), indicating that the organism is significantly associated with diarrhea. However, 71% of P. alcalifaciens-positive diarrheal children had simultaneous infections with other recognized enteric pathogensen
dc.format.extent154253 bytes-
dc.subjectDiarrhea, Infantileen
dc.subjectProvidencia alcalifaciensen
dc.subjectDiarrheal diseasesen
dc.subjectisolation & purificationen
dc.titleAssociation of Providencia alcalifaciens with diarrhea in childrenen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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