Antimicrobial resistance in organisms causing diarrheal disease

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dc.contributor.authorSack, R. Bradley-
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Mahbubur-
dc.contributor.authorYunus, M.-
dc.contributor.authorKhan, Eradul H.-
dc.identifier.citationClin Infect Dis 1997 Jan;24 Suppl 1:S102-5en
dc.description.abstractAntimicrobial resistance is becoming increasingly important in the treatment of enteric infections, particularly those due to Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (associated with traveler's diarrhea), and Salmonella typhi. The rate of antimicrobial resistance is highest in the developing world, where the use of antimicrobial drugs is relatively unrestricted. Of greatest immediate concern is the need for an effective, inexpensive antimicrobial that can be used safely as treatment for small children with dysentery due to Shigella, primarily Shigella dysenteriae type 1en
dc.format.extent137527 bytes-
dc.subjectDrug resistance, Microbialen
dc.subjectDiarrhea, Acuteen
dc.subjectDrug therapyen
dc.subjectDiarrheal diseasesen
dc.titleAntimicrobial resistance in organisms causing diarrheal diseaseen
Appears in Collections:B. Book chapters, papers in conference proceedings, and monographs

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