Role of amylase-treated, energy-dense liquid diet in the nutritional management of acute shigellosis in children: a controlled clinical trial

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dc.contributor.authorRahman, M.M.-
dc.contributor.authorMazumder, R.N.-
dc.contributor.authorAli, M.-
dc.contributor.authorMahalanabis, Dilip-
dc.identifier.citationActa Paediatr 1995 Aug;84(8):867-72en
dc.description.abstractTo evaluate if an energy-dense porridge liquefied by amylase-rich flour (ARF) from germinated wheat increased the calorie intake in children with acute shigellosis, we studied 66 children, aged 6-35 months, in a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Children were randomized to receive either an energy-dense porridge liquefied with ARF (group 1), a thick unaltered porridge (group 2) or a porridge diluted with water (group 3) to a similar viscosity as that in group 1. Mean +/- SD calorie intakes (kJ/kg/day) from the porridges were 280 +/- 113, 167 +/- 100 and 151 +/- 80 in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively (p = 0.006, ANOVA). Total energy intakes (mean +/- SD) from the study diet and other food sources were 469 +/- 151, 377 +/- 121 and 351 +/- 100 kJ/kg/day, respectively (p = 0.006, ANOVA). Intake of breast milk was similar in all groups. Using multiple regression analysis the effect of ARF-treated energy-dense porridge in increasing the calorie intake persisted after adjusting for a number of confounders, such as age of the child, isolation of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and fever. The results of this study suggest that ARF-treated porridge increases energy intake in infants and young children during acute shigellosis. This feeding approach may be useful in preventing malnutrition following dysentery due to shigellosisen
dc.format.extent303987 bytes-
dc.subjectCaloric intakeen
dc.subjectRandomized controlled clinical trialsen
dc.subjectDiet therapyen
dc.subjectDysentery, Bacillaryen
dc.titleRole of amylase-treated, energy-dense liquid diet in the nutritional management of acute shigellosis in children: a controlled clinical trialen
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