Intake from an energy-dense porridge liquefied by amylase of germinated wheat: a controlled trial in severely malnourished children during convalescence from diarrhoea

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dc.contributor.authorRahman, M. Mujibur-
dc.contributor.authorIslam, M. Aminul-
dc.contributor.authorMahalanabis, Dilip-
dc.contributor.authorBiswas, E.-
dc.contributor.authorMajid, N.-
dc.contributor.authorWahed, M.A.-
dc.identifier.citationEur J Clin Nutr 1994 Jan;48(1):46-53en
dc.description.abstractTo evaluate the role of an energy-dense diet liquefied with amylase-rich flour from germinated wheat (ARF) in increasing the energy intake in severely malnourished infants and young children and its acceptability to mothers. DESIGN: A randomized controlled clinical trial with two sets of controls. SETTING: Nutrition rehabilitation unit of a large diarrhoea treatment centre where mothers stay with their very severely malnourished children. SUBJECTS: 78 severely malnourished children aged 5-18 months just recovered from diarrhoea. INTERVENTION: Children were randomly assigned to receive either an energy-dense porridge made liquid by adding ARF (test diet) or an unaltered thick porridge of similar energy density (control 1 diet), or the porridge made liquid with addition of water to have the same viscosity as the test diet but of lower energy (control 2 diet), in four major meals a day for 5 days and intake was measured; breast-milk was measured by test weighing. Children also received an additional three milk-cereal meals a day. RESULTS: The mean energy intake (95% CI, P value for difference between test and control) was 385 (339-431), 289 (251-327, P < 0.005), and 255 (222-289, P < 0.001) kJ/kg.d respectively. Feeding test diet was not associated with significant adverse effects e.g. on diarrhoea, vomiting, breast-milk intake, and was well accepted by mothers. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that use of an energy-dense ARF-treated liquefied porridge increases calorie intake by very severely malnourished children during convalescence from diarrhoea, and that it does not produce any adverse effecten
dc.format.extent330005 bytes-
dc.subjectDiarrhea, Infantileen
dc.subjectRandomized controlled trialen
dc.subjectChild nutrition disordersen
dc.subjectCaloric intakeen
dc.titleIntake from an energy-dense porridge liquefied by amylase of germinated wheat: a controlled trial in severely malnourished children during convalescence from diarrhoeaen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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