A. Original papers
6244 publications available
Classical Vibrio cholerae biotype displaces EL tor in Bangladesh
The EL Tor biotype of Vibrio cholerae caused all endemic and epidemic cholera in Bangladesh from 1973 until Sept. 3, 1982, when the first classical strain was isolated from a patient in Matlab. Since then the number&#... -
Gram negative pharyngeal bacterial flora in malnourished children with shigellosis
It is well recognised that malnourished children are susceptible to frequent chronic and severe infections. Host factors like malnutrition and severe illness are i important determinants of gram negative pharyngeal ca... -
Long-term complication of measles in rural Bangladesh
A small retrospective study carried out in rural Bangladesh identified respiratory illness, diarrhoea and conjunctival dryness as complications of measles. A case-fatality rate of 1.3% was recorded. Association between length of diarrhoea... -
Characterization of surface properties of Vibrio cholerae
A number of isolates of Vibrio cholerae were examined with respect to their (i) surface hydrophobicity as measured by hydrophobic interaction chromatography, (ii) capacity to agglutinate erythrocytes, and (iii) ability to bind to an... -
Isolation and nucleotide sequence determination of a gene encoding a heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli
A gene encoding a heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) from an Escherichia coli strain isolated from a human with diarrhea was cloned and characterized by nucleotide sequence analysis. The gene was found to be partially homologous to&#... -
Serologic differentiation between antitoxin responses to infection with Vibrio cholerae and enterotoxin-producing Escherichia coli
A ganglioside enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to study and attempt to differentiate between antitoxin responses in persons infected with either Vibrio cholerae or Escherichia coli producing heat-labile enterotoxin. In most&... -
Consequences of hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia in children with acute diarrhoea in Bangladesh
A total of 1330 children under 3 years of age who during 1979 had been admitted to the general ward of ICDDR,B Health Complex for diarrhoea with complications were studied retrospectively for the relation between types... -
Genetic transfer of antimicrobial resistance and enterotoxigenicity among Escherichia coli strains
To understand the role of enterotoxin (Ent) plasmids in epidemics of enterotoxigenic (ET) Escherichia coli diarrhea in the United States, we studied the genetics of Ent plasmids in relation to E. coli serotypes and R plasm... -
Plasmid-borne multiple drug resistance in Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1, biotype El Tor: evidence for a point-source outbreak in Bangladesh
In 1979, an outbreak of plasmid-borne, multiply drug-resistant Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1 biotype El Tor (V. cholerae O1) occurred in the Matlab area of Bangladesh. The outbreak could have resulted from the introduction into ... -
Ecological relationships between Vibrio cholerae and planktonic crustacean copepods
Strains of Vibrio cholerae, both O1 and non-O1 serovars, were found to attach to the surfaces of live copepods maintained in natural water samples collected from the Chesapeake Bay and Bangladesh environs. The specificity of&#x... -
Contraceptive users in rural Bangladesh: a time trend analysis
An examination of the characteristics of contraceptive acceptors in a family planning program in rural Bangladesh revealed trends of declining age and number of living children among new acceptors. A time series analysis of the... -
Immunochemical properties of the major outer membrane protein of Vibrio cholerae
Antisera to the major outer membrane protein of Vibrio cholerae (molecular weight, 48,000) raised in rabbits (i) agglutinated several strains of V. cholerae and (ii) immunoprecipitated outer membrane proteins prepared from both the ... -
Enteric fever in patients admitted to a diarrhoeal disease hospital in Bangladesh.
The hospital records of 62 patients with blood culture-proven enteric fever admitted to the Dacca Hospital of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, over a one-year period were reviewed. Older children ... -
Amoebiasis and giardiasis in Bangladesh: parasitological and serological studies
To determine the prevalence of infections with Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia in Bangladesh, we screened stool specimens from patients with diarrhoea attending urban (N = 2,246) and a rural (N = 2,791) hospital and&#... -
Cost-effectiveness and user characteristics of clinic based services for the treatment of diarrhea: a case study in Bangladesh
This study compares the cost-effectiveness of three services for the treatment of diarrhea, in a rural area of Bangladesh. It also examines patterns of user composition, and how these depend on factors other than disease s... -
Rotavirus diarrhoea: an expanding clinical spectrum
To explore the clinical spectrum of rotavirus diarrhoea in Bangladeshi children, we reviewed surveillance data from randomly selected diarrhoeal cases who were intensively studied at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research--... -
Seasonality of classical and El Tor cholera in Dhaka, Bangladesh: 17-year trends
Data on the cholera patients admitted monthly to the ICDDR, B, hospital in Dhaka (Bangladesh) from 1964 through 1980 have been studied and analysed. Although Vibrio cholerae variant El Tor did not enter Bangladesh until 19...
Publications in this collection
- Albert, M. John 120
- Mahalanabis, Dilip 84
- Sack, David A. 82
- Chakraborty, J. 71
- Faruque, A.S.G. 54
- Faruque, Shah M. 43
- Qadri, Firdausi 42
- Black, Robert E. 40
- Clemens, John D. 40
- Khan, M.R. 39
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- Bangladesh 1022
- Cholera 264
- Vibrio cholerae 186
- Diarrhea, Infantile 163
- Diarrhea 109
- Dysentery, Bacillary 108
- Humans 72
- Child, Preschool 71
- Shigella dysenteriae 64
- Diarrheal diseases 61
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Date issued
- 2010 - 2014 2
- 2000 - 2009 305
- 1990 - 1999 751
- 1980 - 1989 544
- 1970 - 1979 143
- 1961 - 1969 60