Reduction of fluid-loss in cholera by nicotinic acid: a randomised controlled trial

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dc.contributor.authorRabbani, G.H.-
dc.contributor.authorButler, Thomas-
dc.contributor.authorBardhan, P.K .-
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Asma-
dc.identifier.citationLancet 1983 Dec 24-31;2(8365-66):1439-42en
dc.description.abstractA randomised controlled clinical trial was conducted to investigate the ability of nicotinic acid to reduce intestinal secretion in patients with severe cholera. Of the 62 adults investigated, 29 received either 1 or 2 g of nicotinic acid given orally in divided doses and 33 served as controls. Patients who received the 2 g dose had less fluid loss than did their controls during the first (p less than 0.01) and second (p less than 0.05) 8 h post-treatment periods. During the third and fourth 8 h periods, the rates were lower in the treatment groups, but not significantly so. The drug-specific stool reduction was 31%-47% during the first 16 h. Patients receiving 1 g consistently had lower rates of purging than had their controls during each 8 h observation period, but the differences were not significant. The effect of the 2 g dose was significantly better than that with the 1 g dose. The peak inhibition occurred 8-16 h after start of therapy. The drug was well tolerated, the only side-effect being transient flushing of the body in 1 patienten
dc.format.extent238105 bytes-
dc.subjectClinical trialen
dc.subjectAntisectory agentsen
dc.subjectIntestinal secretionsen
dc.subjectRandomized controlled trialsen
dc.subjectDrug therapyen
dc.subjectDrug efectsen
dc.titleReduction of fluid-loss in cholera by nicotinic acid: a randomised controlled trialen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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