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Comparison of osmolarity of milk feeds with breast milk
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Samadi, A. R.
Wahed, M.A.
Islam, M.R.
This study examined the osmolarity of half strength formula milk plus 2.5% sucrose and half strength boiled cow's milk plus 2.5.% sucrose, to compare with breast milk i^ vitro to see the basis for different processes
as recommended by WHO for refeeding of breast-fed and non-breastfed infants with diarrhoea after being rehydrated. Osmolarity, sodium and potassium contents of milk specimens (9 samples of half strength boiled cow's milk plus 2.5% sucrose, 10 of half strength formula milk plus 2.5% sucrose, 10 of fresh cow's milk, and 10 breast milk samples) were analysed. The osmolarity of half strength formula milk plus 2.5% sucrose, half strength boiled cow's milk plus 2.5% sucrose and breast milk were 180, 227 and 279 mOsmol/1 respectively. The sodium contents were 8, 11 and 7 mmol/1,- the potassium contents were 16, 21 and 13 mmol/1 respectively. In considering the osmolarity and electrolyte contents, the nonbreast- fed infants could be re-fed with half strength cow's milk or formula milk after being rehydrated, instead of plain water which might hamper the nutritional rehabilitation of these children in developing countries where malnutrition is common among non-breast-fed children
Nutr Rep Int 1983 Nov;28(5):1101-4