Do side-effects reduce compliance to ironsupplementation:a study of daily-and weekly-dose regimens in pregnancy

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dc.contributor.authorHyder, S.M. Ziauddin-
dc.contributor.authorPersson, Lars Ake-
dc.contributor.authorChowdhury, A.M.R.-
dc.contributor.authorEkström, Eva-Charlotte-
dc.identifier.citationJ Health Popul Nutr 2002 Jun;20(2):175-179-
dc.description.abstractSide-effects of iron supplementation lead to poor compliance.A weekly-dose schedule of iron supplementation rather han a daily-dose regimen has been suggested to produce fewer side-effects, thereby achieving a higher compliance.This study compared side-effects of iron supplementation and their impact on compliance among pregnant women in Bangladesh.These women were assigned to receive either weekly doses of 2x60 mg iron (one tablet each Friday morning and evening)or a daily dose of 1x60 mg iron.Fifty antenatal care centres were randomly assigned to prescribe either a weekly-or a daily-supplementation regimen (86 women in each group).Side-effects were assessed by recall after one month of supplementation and used for predicting compliance in he second and third months of supplementation.Compliance was monitored using a pill bottle equipped with an electronic counting device that recorded date and time whenever the pill bottle was opened.Of five gastrointestinal side-effects (heartburn, nausea,vomiting,diarrhoea, or constipation )assessed, vomiting occurred more frequently in the weekly group (21%) than in the daily group (11%, p<0.05). Compliance (ratio between observed and recommended tablet intake)was significantly higher in the weekly- supplementation regimen (93%) than in hedaily-supplementation regimen (61%, p<0.05). Overall, gastrointestinal side-effects were not significantly associated with compliance. However, the presence of nausea and/or vomiting reduced compliance in both the regimens but only among women from the lower socioeconomic group. In conclusion, weekly supplementation of iron in pregnancy had a higher compliance compared to daily supplementation of iron despite a higher frequency of side-effects.The findings support the view that gastrointestinal side-effects generally have a limited influence on compliance, at least in he dose ranges studied. Efforts to further reduce side-effects of iron supplementation may not be a successful strategy for improving compliance and effectiveness of antenatal iron supplementationen
dc.format.extent102613 bytes-
dc.subjectAnemia, Iron-Deficiency-prevention & control-
dc.subjectPregnancy Complications, Hematologic-
dc.titleDo side-effects reduce compliance to ironsupplementation:a study of daily-and weekly-dose regimens in pregnancyen
Appears in Collections:Reproductive health research papers

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