Knowledge on, and attitude toward, HIV/AIDS among staff of an international organization in Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.authorIslam, Mohammad Tajul-
dc.contributor.authorMostafa, Md. Golam-
dc.contributor.authorBhuiya, Abbas Uddin-
dc.contributor.authorHawkes, Sarah-
dc.contributor.authorde Francisco, Andres-
dc.identifier.citationJ Health Popul Nutr 2002 Sep;20(3):271-278-
dc.description.abstractTwo hundred and ninety-three randomly-selected members of the staff of ICDDR,B:Centre for Health and Population Research were surveyed anonymously in June 1998, using a pre-tested and self- administered questionnaire, to assess their knowledge on,and attitude toward,human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).All except 4 (1.4%) heard of AIDS.Main sources of information were radio and television (93%), newspapers and magazines (84.8%),posters and leaflets (70.2%),and friends (59.2%).About 94%of the respondents believed that HIV might spread in Bangladesh.Only 61.6%knew about the causative agent for AIDS.More than 96%had knowledge that HIV could be detected through blood test.The respondents were aware that unprotected sexual intercourse (92%), transfusion of blood and blood components (93.8%),sharing unsterile needles for injections (94.1%), and delivery of babies by infected mothers (82.7%)could transmit HIV.Similarly, the respondents had the knowledge that HIV infection could be prevented by using condom during sexual intercourse (85.5%), having sex only with an HIV- negative faithful partner (87.2%),avoiding transfusion of blood not screened for HIV (88.9%),and taking injections with sterile needles (86.5%).However, only 33.0%had the knowledge that HIV- infected persons can look healthy,and 56.4%were unaware of transmission through breastmilk. Most members of the staff,particularly at lower level, had misconceptions about transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS.More than 40%of the respondents had the attitude hat HIV-infected persons should not be allowed to work,while another 10%did not have any idea about it. The findings of the study suggest that the members of the Centre ’s staff have a satisfactory level of essential knowledge on HIV/AIDS, although half of them have poor attitudes toward persons with HIV/AIDS.Therefore, preventive strategy for the staff should be directed toward behaviour change communication.en
dc.format.extent151155 bytes-
dc.subjectHIV Infectionsen
dc.subjectAcquired immunodeficiency syndromeen
dc.subjectSexually transmitted diseasesen
dc.subjectCross-sectional studiesen
dc.titleKnowledge on, and attitude toward, HIV/AIDS among staff of an international organization in Bangladeshen
Appears in Collections:HIV/AIDS research papers

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