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User-fees for family-planning methods: an analysis of payment behaviour among urban contraceptors in Bangladesh


Routh, Subrata
Thwin, Aye Aye
Kane, Thomas T.
Baqui, Abdullah Hel
The study was carried out to review the experience with the existing user-fee (pricing) strategies and examine the socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with payment behaviour among contraceptors in urban Bangladesh for selected contraceptive methods, such as injectables, pill, and condom. Data for the study were drawn from a survey of more than 5,000 married women of reproductive age in Zone 3 of Dhaka city, Bangladesh, within the sample frame of the Urban Panel Survey of the ICDDR,B's former Urban MCH-FP Extension Project. The findings of the study showed that most (80%) urban contraceptors have been paying for selected family-planning services. This indicates the existence of a notable demand for contraceptives which suggests that there is scope for improved financial sustainability of the family-planning programme through charging appropriate user-fees for contraceptives with proper analyses of willingness-to-pay among the contraceptors and price elasticities of demand. Higher socioeconomic status of households, marked by higher levels of education and house rent, and location of residence in non-slum areas, is predictive of paying for contraception. Households having 1-3 living child(ren) are also more likely to make payment for the selected contraceptive services
J Health Popul Nutr 2000 Sep;18(2)69-78