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Showing results 3715 to 3734 of 6187 < previous   next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1979M.R clients in a village based family planning programmeBhatia, Shushum; Ruzicka, Lado T.
1993Macrolides in skin and soft-tissue infections[book chapter]Rahman, M.; Song, M.
Jan-1985Magnesium breath-hydrogen test for the estimation of gastric acid production in adult Bangladeshi volunteersRabbani, G.H.; van Loon, F.; Sack, David; Stephensen, C.
26-Nov-1984Magnesium breath-hydrogen test for theestimation of gastric Acid production in adult Bangladeshi volunteersRabbani, G.H.; Van Loon, F.; Sack, David; Stephensen, C.
1998Main findings and policy implications of a study on health-care seeking by slum residents in Dhaka-city, Bangladesh : health-care seeking studiesDesmet, Martinus; Bashir, Ishtiaq; Sohel, Nazmul; Saha, Kuntal Kumar
Jun-1991Maintaining village water pumps by women volunteers in BangladeshHoque, Bilqis Amin; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hasan, Zahid; Patwary, M.K.
Aug-2004The major subunit of the toxin-coregulated pilus TcpA induces mucosal and systemic immunoglobulin A immune responses in patients with cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139Asaduzzaman, Muhammad; Ryan, Edward T.; Jhon, Manohar; Hang, Long; Khan, Ashraful I.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Taylor, Ronald K.; Calderwood, Stephen B.; Firdausi, Qadri
Apr-1990Makeshift treatment centre during a cholera epidemic in BangladeshSiddique, A.K.; Mutsuddy, P.; Islam, Q.; Majumder, Y.; Akram, K.; Zaman, K.
2007Making health systems work for the poor phase II: Interventions to prevent harmful practices by the healthcare providers and enhance accountability through local level health watchBhuiya, Abbas
1989Malabsorption and growth depression in rats fed raw soyabean extract[abstract]Kabir, Iqbal; Banwell, John; Howard, Richard
Dec-1966Malabsorption and jejunitis in American peace crops volunteers in PakistanLindenbaum, J.; Kent, T.H.; Sprinz, H.
Aug-1965Malabsorption during and after recovery from acute intestinal infectionLindenbaum, John
Jan-1965Malabsorption during and after recovery from acute intestinal infection[conference paper]Lindenbaum, John
1987Malabsorption in enteric infection: a nutritional cost in children with diarrhoea[book chapter]Molla, Ayesha; Molla, A. Majid; Sarker, S.A.
Mar-1993Malabsorption of nutrients in children with diarrhoea due to unknown aetiologiesMolla, Ayesha; Molla, Abdul Majid; Khatun, Makduma; Khurshid, Mohammad
27-May-1980Malabsorption tests in apparently bealthy Bangladeshi childrenMozaffar, Zahid; Molla, Ayesha
9-Mar-1981MalariaClaquin, P.; Keystone, J.S.
2004Malaria baseline survey in BangladeshHaque, Rashidul
Apr-2011Malaria in Bandarban an ICDDR,B field site-