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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2008Kamalapur 2005–2007 Census ResultsLindeboom, Wietze
2008Kamalapur : 2005--2007 census results / edited by Carol van Mels and M A RahimLindeboom, Wietze; van Mels, Carel; Rahim, M. A.
Jun-1970Kaolin and choleraNalin, David R.; Cash, Richard A.
Dec-1985Khadashascho vittik ORS : udaramaya chikitsaya eak nutan digantaMolla, M. Majid
29-Mar-1978Kinship and friendship network in fertility and family planning decisionsAziz, K.M.A.; Osteria, Trinidad; Bhatia, Shushum
May-1979Kinship in BangladeshAziz, K M Ashraful
May-1995A Klebsiella pneumoniae strain that shares a type-specific antigen with Shigella flexneri serotype 6: characterization of the strain and structural studies of the O-antigenic polysaccharideAnsaruzzaman, Mohammed; Albert, M. John; Holme, Tord; Jansson, Per-Erik; Rahman, M. Mahbubur; Widmalm, Gorun
29-Jan-1986Knoledge attitude and practice (KAP) study of childhood immunization in Matlab, BangladeshChakraborty, Nitai; Islam, Shafiqul; Chakraborty, J.; Rowland, M.G.M.
May-1993Knowledge and practice of contraception in Dhaka Urban Slums:a baseline surveyJamil, Kanta; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Paljor, Ngudup
2001Knowledge and use of essential obstetric care services in a rural NGO working area : a baseline reportKhanum, Parveen A.; Quaiyum, M.A.; Islam, Ariful
2001Knowledge and Use of Essential Obstetric Care Services in a Rural NGO Working Area: A Baseline ReportKhanum, Parveen A; Quaiyum, M A; Islam, Ariful
1981Knowledge attitudes and practices concerning diarrhoea in a rural area of Bangladesh [abstract]Chakraborty, J.; Zimicki, S.; Yunus, M.
1982Knowledge attitudes and practices concerning diarrhoea in a rural area of Bangladesh[abstract]Chakraborty, J.; Zimicki, S.; Yunus, M.
2003Knowledge into action for child survivalClaeson, M.; Gillespie, D.; Mshinda, H.; Troedsson, H.; Victora, C.G.; Bellagio Study Group on Child Survival
2006Knowledge of Arsenic in drinking-water: risks and avoidance in Matlab, BangladeshAziz, Sonia N.; Boyle, Kevin J.; Rahman, Mahfuzar
2000Knowledge of men about reproductive health issues and services in BangladeshAshraf, Ali; Tunon, Cristobal; Hasan, Yousuf; Reza, Masud; Saha, Norid Chandra; Barkat-e-Khuda
2000Knowledge of Men about Reproductive Health Issues and Services in BangladeshAli Ashraf; Tunon, Cristobal; Hasan, Yousuf; Reza, Masud; Saha, Nirod Chandra; Khuda, Barkat-e-
Sep-2002Knowledge on, and attitude toward, HIV/AIDS among staff of an international organization in BangladeshIslam, Mohammad Tajul; Mostafa, Md. Golam; Bhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Hawkes, Sarah; de Francisco, Andres
1984Knowledge, attitude & practice of MCH/FP in selected village of Munshiganj Upazila [Conference paper]Rahman, Mizanur
2000L-histitidine improves colitis in experimental shigellosis in rabit [abstract]Rabbani, G.H.; Sack, D.A.; Peterson, J.W.