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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1997H. pylori induced oxidative stress in human[abstract]Khaled, M.A.; Sarker, S.A; Chowdhury, A.K.; Islam, S.
Apr-1997H. pylori infection and vitamin A depletion in malnourished children[abstract]Sarker, S.A.; Wahed, M.A.; Khaled, M.A.
1991Haemagglutinating shigellae[book chapter]Ciznar, Ivan; Qadri, Firdausi; Haq, Shafiqul; Hossain, Shaik Abu
Sep-1983Haemagglutination properties & fimbriation in enterotoxigenic Aeromonas hydrophila strainsSanyal, S.C.; Agarwal, R.K.; Annapurna, E.
1983Haematological values of clinically healthy guinaapigs (Cavia porcellus) raised in Bangladesh[abstract]Rahman, A.S.M.H.; Al-Mahmud, K.A.; Islam, K.M.Nashirul
Aug-1980Haematologieal and biochemical values of normal laboratory animalsRahman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Al-Mahmud, K.A.
30-Dec-1980Haematologieal and biochemical values of normal laboratory animals i.Rabbit ii.Guinea Pig iii.Rat iv.MouseRahman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Al-Mahmud, K.A.
Sep-1994Hafnia alvei in stool specimens from patients with diarrhea and healthy controls[note]Ridell, Jouko; Siitonen, Anja; Paulin, Lars; Mattila, Leena; Korkeala, Hannu; Albert, M. John
1991Hafnia alvei, a probable cause of diarrhea in humansAlbert, M. John; Alam, Khorshed; Islam, Moyenul; Montanaro, Jacqueline; Rahaman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Haider, Khaleda; Hossain, M. Anowar; Kibriya, A.K.M.G.; Tzipori, Saul
Feb-1981Hand packaged O.R.S. for Diarrhoea[conference paper]Ali, M.A.; Wahid, M.A.
17-Nov-2007Hand washing with soap reduces diarrhoea and spread of bacterial pathogens in a Bangladesh villageShaid, Nigar S.; Greenough III, William B.; Samadi, Aziz R.; Huq, Mohammed I.; Rahman, Nurur
1993Harnessing health information in the Third WorldCoghlan, Sally E.; Khan, M. Shamsul Islam
1992A hazard logit model analysis of covariates of childhood mortality in Matlab, BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas; Streatfield, Kim
1989he myth of the diarrhoea- malnutrition cycle: evidence from a longitudinal study in rural Bangladesh[abstract]Alam, Nurul; Wai, Lockky
Jun-2015Health and science bulletin vol.13 no.1 [English]International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
1989Health situation of slum dwellers of metropolitan area of DhakaRahman, Shafiqur; Banu, Sneha; Nessa, Fazilatun
1996Health and demographic profile of the urban population of Bangladesh: an analysis of selected indicatorsThwin, Aye Aye; Islam, M Ataharul; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Reinke, William; Black, Robert E
Mar-1998Health and demographic surveillance in Matlab: past, present and futureGinneken, Jeroen van; Bairagi, Radheshyam; Francisco, Andres de; Sardar, Asdul Mazid; Vaughan, Patrick
Mar-1998Health and Demographic Surveillance in Matlab: Past, Present and FutureGinneken, Jeroen K. Van; Bairagi, Radheshyam; Francisco, Andres D.; Sarder, Abdul Mazid; Vaughan, Patric
Dec-2012Health and demographic surveillance system – Matlab Volume Forty Five Registration of Health and Demographic Events 2011Rahman, Md. Mahfuzur; Alam, Md. Nurul; Razzaque, Abdur; Streatfield, Peter Kim