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Showing results 2396 to 2415 of 6187 < previous   next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1986The Gambia and BangladeshRowland, M. G. M.
2004Gamma Delta T cells and the Innate Immune Response to CryptosporidiosisHaque, Rashidul
Dec-1980Gardiasis in an outpatients clinic in Dacca, Bangladesh; a retrospective studySpeelman, Pieter; Molla, Majid
18-Dec-1985Gastric acid as a determinant of disease susceptility in a population immunized with oral cholera vaccine and as an interactive risk factor for clinical and asymptomatic cholera in an unvaccinated populationVan Loon, F.P.L.; Clemens, J.D.
11-Oct-1977Gastric acid in enteric diseaseGilman, Robert H.
Oct-1977Gastric acid in malnutritionGilman, Robert H.
Nov-1997Gastric acid secretion and enteric infection in BangladeshEvans, Carlton A. W.; Gilman, Robert H.; Rabbani, G.H.; Salazar, Guillermo; Ali, Akbar
1970Gastric acid secretion in cholera patients(letter)Cash, Richard A.; Alam, Jamiul; Toaha, K.M.
15-Feb-1985Gastric emptying of a rice-powder electrolyte solution and a sucrose electrolyte solution in adult patients with acute choleraMolla, A.M.; Collins, B.J.; Molla, Ayseha; van Loon, F.
1992Gastric emptying of liquid in children suffering from acute rotaviral gastroenteritisBardhan, P.K.; Salam, M.A.; Molla, A.M.
1989Gastric emptying time in children suffering from acute diarrhoea due to rotavirus[abstract]Bardhan, P.K.; Salam, M.A.
24-Apr-1981Gastric emptying time in children with acute diarrhoea due to different etiologiesBardhan, P.K.; Molla, A.M.
Jun-1981Gastric emptying time in children with acute diarrhoea due to different etiologiesBardhan, P.K.; Molla, A.M.
1997Gastrointestinal allergy to food: a reviewAhmed, Tahmeed; Fuchs, George J.
Oct-1981Gauze filtration and enrichment procedures for recovery of Vibrio cholerae from contaminated watersSpira, W.M.; Ahmed, Q.S.
Jul-1993Gender and age differentials in risk factors for childhood malnutrition in BangladeshHenry, Fitzroy J.; Briend, Andre; Fauveau, Vincent; Huttly, Sharon A.; Yunus, Mohammed; Chakraborty, Jyotsnamoy
1997Gender composition of surviving children and contraceptive use in Bangladesh[book chapter]Mozumder, ABM Khorshed Alam; Sarker, Afzal Hossain; Barkat-e-Khuda; Rahman, DM Mizanur
1996Gender composition of surviving children and contraceptive use in BanglaedshMozumder, A.B.M. Khorshed Alam; Sarker, Afzal Hossain; Barkat-e-Khuda; Rahman, D.M. Mizanur
Jan-2000Gender differences in functioning for older adults in rural Bangladesh : the impact of differential reportingRahman, M. Omar; Liu, Ji-hong
Dec-2000Gender inequality and severe malnutrition among children in a remote rural rrea of BangladeshChowdhury, Kaneta Kudshia; Hanifi, S.M. Manzoor Ahmed; Rasheed, Sabrina; Bhuiya, Abbas Uddin