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Showing results 526 to 545 of 6187 < previous   next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-1995C reactive protein and prealbumin as markers of disease activity in shigellosisKhan, W.A.; Salam, M.A.; Bennish, M.L.
4-Apr-1994Calcium supplementation in prevention of pregnancy induced proteinuric hypertension, low birth weight and prematurityVanneste, A.; Nazneen, Q. N.
Jun-2010Calculation of costs of pregnancy- and puerperium-related care: experience from a hospital in a low-income countrySarowar, M.G.; Medin, E.; Gazi, R.; Koehlmoos, T.P.; Rehnberg, C.; Saifi, R.; Bhuiya, A.; Khan, J.
1982Calendar month improves fertility estimate in BangladeshChowdhury, A.K.M.A.
Oct-1982Calorie intake in childhood diarrhoeaSarker, Shafiqul Alam; Molla, Abdul Majid; Karim, A.K.M.M.; Rahman, M. Mujibur
Jul-1982Calorie intake in childhood diarrhoeaSarker, Shafiqul Alam; Molla, Abdul Majid; Karim, A.K.M.M.; Rahaman, M. Mujibur
29-Oct-2007Camplobacter: a synopsisRahman, Mahbubar; Saieda, Qudsiya Akhter
Jun-1980Campylobacter fetus SSP jejuni: a laboratory manulBlaser, Martin J
Jun-1980Campylobacter Fetus SSP Jejuni: A Labratory ManualBlaser, Martin J.
Sep-1982Campylobacter infection (annotations)Akhter, S.Q.
1-Nov-2007Campylobacter jejuni bacteraemia in children with diarrhoea in Bangladesh: report of six casesHossain, Muhammad Anowar; Kabir, Iqbal; Albert, M. John; Kibriya, AKMG; Alam, Khorshed; Alam, A.N.
Mar-1984Campylobacter jejuni diarrhea model in infant chickensSanyal, S.C.; Islam, K.M. N.; Neogy, P.K.B.; Islam, M,; Speelman, P.; Huq, M.I.
Feb-1985Campylobacter jejuni-specific serum antibodies are elevated in healthy Bangladeshi childrenBlaser, Martin J.; Black, Robert E.; Duncan, Deborah J,; Amer, Jules
27-Dec-1987Campylobacter pylori: it's association with human gastroduadenal diseases in BangladeshBardhan, P.K.; Khan, A.K.A.; Hasan, M.; Beglinger, C.; Akhtar, S.Q.; Ally, S.I.; van Loon, F.P.L.; Kabir, I.
Jun-1987Campylobacter: a synopsisRahman, Mahbubur; Akhtar, Saiyeda Qudsiya
1997Can a single visit during pregnancy identify women in need of special care in labor and delivery[book chapter]Vanneste, A.M.; Ronsmans, C.
1989Can Citrate effectively replace bicarbonate in oral rehydration solution in adult acute diarrhoeas[abstract]Mazumdar, Ramendrah N.; Asraf, H.; Patra, F.C.
1984Can dehydrating diarrhoea be associated with precipitation of cataract : a retrospective limited studyKhan, M.U.; Sheikh, M.A. Kashem; Khan, M.R.
26-Jul-1984Can dehydrating diarrhoea be associated with precipitation of cataract ? a retroapective limited studyKhan, M.U.; Sheikh, M.A. Kashem; Khan, M.R.; Greenough, W.B.; Aziz, K.M.S.
Jan-1993Can infants and young children eat enough green leafy vegetables from a single traditional meal to meet their daily vitamin A requirementsRahman, M.M.; Mahalanabis, D.; Islam, M.A.; Biswas, E.