Browse by Subject Tetanus toxoid

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-1982Birth care practice and neonatal tetanus in a rural area of BangladeshIslam, M. Shafiqul; Rahaman, M. Mujibur; Aziz, K.MS.; Munshi, M.H.; Rahman, Mizanur; Patwari, Yakub
Feb-1980Failure of a large dose of vitamin A to enhance the antibody response to tetanus toxoid in childrenBrown, Kenneth H.; Rajan, Maung Maung; Chakraborty, Jyostnamoy; Aziz, K.M.A.; Phil, M.
1996The immunization program ; an impressive achievement, but challenges remain[book chapter]Jamil, Kanta; Bhuiya, Abbas; Streatfield, Kim; Chakraborty, Nital
Mar-1999The immunization programme in Bangladesh: impressive gains in coverage, but gaps remainJamil, Kanta; Bhuiya, Abbas; Streatfield, Kim; Chakrabarty, Nitai
Mar-1996Maternal recall of tetanus toxoid vaccinationde Francisco, A.; Chakraborty, J.
Aug-1983Mortality impact of an MCH-FP program in Matlab, BangladeshChen, Lincoln C.; Rahman, Makhlisur; D'Souza, Stan; Chakraborty, J.; Sardar, A.M.; Yunus, Md.
Mar-1991Mortality reductions from health interventions; the case of immunization in BangladeshKoeing, Michael A.; Fauveau, Vincent; Wojtyniak, Bogdan
Jun-1982Neonatal tetanus in Bangladesh : effect of active immunization of mothers; anti-tetanus active immunization of mothersfield experience in BangladeshRahman, Makhlisur
Dec-1980Reduction of neonatal tetanus by mass immunization of non-pregnant women: duration of protection provided by one or two doses of aluminium-adsorbed tetanus toxoidBlack, R.E.; Huber, D.H.; Curlin, G.T.
1982Use of tetanus toxoid for the prevention of neonatal tetanus : reduction of neonatal mortality by immunization of non-pregnant and pregnant women in rural BangladeshRahman, Makhlisur; Chen, Lincoln C.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, Md; Chowdhury, A.I.; Sarder, A.M.; Bhatia, Shusum; Curlin, George T.