Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
27-Dec-1987 | Campylobacter pylori: it's association with human gastroduadenal diseases in Bangladesh | Bardhan, P.K.; Khan, A.K.A.; Hasan, M.; Beglinger, C.; Akhtar, S.Q.; Ally, S.I.; van Loon, F.P.L.; Kabir, I. |
Apr-1990 | Clostridium perfringens type C in bloody and watery diarrhea in Bangladesh | van Loon, F.P.L.; van, Schaik S; Banik, A.K.; Ahmed, T.; Zaman, A.; Kay, B.A. |
Aug-1993 | The design and analysis of cholera vaccine trials: recent lessons from Bangladesh | Clemens, John; Sack, David; Rao, Malla; Chakraborty, J.; Kay, Bradford; Ahmed, Faruque; Khan, M.R.; van Loon, F.P.L.; Svennerholm, A-M.; Holmgren, Jan |
Apr-1989 | Double blind trial of loperamide for treating acute watery diarrhoea in expatriates in Bangladesh | van Loon, F.P.L.; Bennish, M.L.; Speelman, P.; Butler, C. |
23-Mar-1988 | Evaluation of the effect of alanine plus glucose and glutamine plus glucose on salt and water absorption in the jejunum in acute cholera in adults | van Loon, F.P.L.; Patra, F.C.; Wahed, W.A. |
Feb-1996 | Field trial of inactivated oral cholera vaccines in Bangladesh : results from 5 years of follow-up | van Loon, F.P.L.; Clemens, J.D.; Chakraborty, J.; Rao, M.R.; Kay, B.A.; Sack, D.A.; Yunus, Md.; Ali, Md.; Svenner, A-M; Holmgren, J. |
1986 | Loperamide for the treatment of watery diarrhoea: a double-blind trial in expatriates in Bangladesh. | van Loon, F.P.L.; Bennish, M.L.; Speelman, P.; Butler, T.C. |
1992 | Nonparticipation as a determinant of adverse health outcomes in a field trial of oral cholera vaccines | Clemens, John D.; van Loon, F.P.L.; Rao, Malla R.; Sack, David A.; Ahmed, Faruque; Chakraborty, J.; Khan, M.R.; Yunus, M.; Harris, Jeffrey R.; Svennerholm, A.M.; Holmgren, Jan |
22-Feb-1988 | The oral magnesium breath hydrogen test for measuring gastric acid output in convalescent cholera patients | van Loon, F.P.L.; Patra, F.C.; Shahrier, M. |
10-Aug-1987 | The role of endogenous prostaglandins in secretory diarrhoeas | van Loon, F.P.L.; Kabir, Iqbal; Rask-Madsen, J.; Bukhave, K. |
1-Nov-1989 | The role of entamoeba histolytica in the dysenteric syndrome in children and adults | van Loon, F.P.L.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Huq, R.; Banik, A.K.; Jalan, K.N. |
Nov-1986 | The role of prostaglandins and other enteric neurotrans mitters in intestinal absorption secretion | van Loon, F.P.L. |