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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-May-1997Baseline survey for HIV/AIDS staff education programmeIslam, Mohammad Tajul; de Francisco, Andres; Hawkes, Sarah; Islam, Mahidul; Mostafa, Md. Golam
May-1999Breast milk immune factors in Bangladeshi women supplemented postpartum with retinol or beta-caroteneFilteau, Suzanne M.; Rice, Amy L.; Ball, Jennifer J.; Chakraborty, J.; Stoltzfus, Rebecca; de Francisco, Andres; Willumsen, Juana F.
Mar-1995Desire for additional child and subsequent family planning practices in Matlabde Francisco, Andres; Weili, Y.; Bairagi, R.; Chakraborty, J.
Feb-1996The effects of health services utilization on the recovery from dysenteryMyaux, Jacques A.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, M.; Khan, Eradul H.; de Francisco, Andres
1994El colera, una enfermedad impredeciblede Francisco, Andres; Siddique, A.K.
Mar-2000Evaluation of serum retinol, the modified-relative-dose-response ratio, and breast-milk vitamin A as indicators of response to postpartum maternal vitamin A supplementationRice, Amy L; Stoltzfus, Rebecca J.; de Francisco, Andres; Kjolhede, Chris L.
Mar-1995Importance of age and sociodemographic factors in contraceptive acceptance among rural women in Bangladesh : lessons learned from Matlab MCH-FP Project[abstract]Chakraborty, J.; de Francisco, Andres; Khan, Shamim A.; Zaman, K.
Sep-2002Knowledge on, and attitude toward, HIV/AIDS among staff of an international organization in BangladeshIslam, Mohammad Tajul; Mostafa, Md. Golam; Bhuiya, Abbas Uddin; Hawkes, Sarah; de Francisco, Andres
Feb-1999Maternal vitamin A or beta-carotene supplementation in lactating bangladeshi women benefits mothers and infants but does not prevent subclinical deficiencyRice, Amy L.; Stoltzfus, Rebecca J.; de Francisco, Andres; Chakraborty, J.; Kjolhede, Chris L.; Wahed, M. A.
4-Apr-1995Matlab MCH-FP project protocol:1995-1997de Francisco, Andres; Chakraborty, Jotsnamoy; Vanneste, Anne-Marie; Myaux, Jacques; Hawkes, Sarah; Erny, Samuel; Rice, Amy; Khan, Shamim Akhter
1-Mar-1992Measles surveillance system antibody decay in infantsde Francisco, Andres; Unicomb, L.; Chakraborty, J.; Begum, R.; Yunus, M.; Sack, B.
14-Nov-2007Mortality pattern of women of reproductive age in rural BangladeshKhan, Shamim A.; de Francisco, Andres; Chakraborty, J.
1995The Pattern of full and complementary breast-feeding in rural BangladeshChowdhury, A.I.; de Francisco, Andres; Aziz, K.M.A.
Sep-1998Plausible evidence of effectiveness of an iron-supplementation programme for pregnant and post-partum women in rural BangladeshStoltzfus, Rebecca J.; Chakraborty, Jyatsnamoy; Rice, Amy; de la Briere, Benedicte; de Francisco, Andres
5-Feb-1995The prevalence of reproductive tract infections in Matlab, BangladeshHawkes, Sarah; de Francisco, Andres; Chakraborty, J.; Albert, John; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard
11-Dec-1991Safety and efficacy of vitamin A supplementation in infancy using the EPI as an entry point: an urban and rural projectde Francisco, Andres; Baqui, Abdullah
2003The survival benefit of measles immunization may not be explained entirely by the prevention of measles disease: a community study from rural BangladeshAaby, Peter; Bhuiya, Abbas; Nahar, Lutfun; Knudsen, Kim; de Francisco, Andres; Strong, Michael
Jul-1996Why did maternal mortality decline in MatlabMaine, Deborah; Akalin, Murat Z.; Chakraborty, Jyotsnamoy; de Francisco, Andres; Strong, Michael
Dec-1997Why perinatal mortality cannot be a proxy for maternal mortalityAkalin, Murat Z.; Maine, Deborh; de Francisco, Andres; Vaughan, Roger