Browse by Author Yunus, Md

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-1990Breast feeding and the risk of severe cholera in rural Bangladeshi childrenClemens, John D; Sack, David A.; Harris, Jeffrey R.; Khan, M.R.; Chakraborty, J.; Chowdhury, Sack; Rao, M.R.; van Loon, Frederik P. L.; Stanton, Bonita F.; Yunus, Md; Ali, Md; Ansaruzamman, M.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Holmgren, Jan
5-Nov-2007Cholera vaccine trials in Matlab: summary of the findingsZaman, K.; Yunus, Md
Jan-2001Epidemiology and ecology of vibrio cholerae in Bangladesh : the association of environmental variables and cholera outbreaks[working report]Sack, R.B.; Sack, D.A.; Colwell, R.R.; Huq, A.; Chun, J.; Zo, Y.; Grim, C.; Lipp, E.; RIvera, I.; Morris, J.G.; Johnson, J.; Ali, A.; Sozhamannan, S.; Longini, I.; Nizam, A.; Weiss, P.; Siddique, A.K.; Islam, M.S.; Yunus, Md; Faruque, S.M.; Qadri, F.; Albert, M.J.; Nair, B.
Feb-1990Field trial of oral cholera vaccines in Bangladesh: results from three-year follow-upClemens, John D.; Sack, David A.; Harris, Jeffrey R.; van, Loon Frederik; Chakraborty, J.; Ahmed, Faruque; Rao, M.R.; Khan, M.R.; Yunus, Md; Huda, N.; Stanton, Bonita F.; Kay, Bradford A.; Walter, Stephen; Eeckels, Roger; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Holmgren, Jan
1982Home-administered oral therapy for diarrhoea: a laboratory study of safety and efficacySnyder, John D.; Yunus, Md; Wahed, M.A.; Chakraborty, J.
Sep-1997Malnutrition, cell-mediated immune deficiency and acute upper respiratory infections in rural Bangladeshi childrenZaman, K.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, Md; Sack, R.B.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Black, R.E.
Apr-1998Maternal measles antibody decay in rural Bangladeshi infants--implications for vaccination schedulesde Francisco, A; Hall, A.J.; Unicomb, L.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, Md; Sack, R.B.
Oct-1984NUtritional status and electrolyte anomailes in children with diarrhoea in rural BangladeshZaman, K.; Islam, M.R.; Baqui, A.H.; Yunus, Md
1982Use of tetanus toxoid for the prevention of neonatal tetanus : reduction of neonatal mortality by immunization of non-pregnant and pregnant women in rural BangladeshRahman, Makhlisur; Chen, Lincoln C.; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, Md; Chowdhury, A.I.; Sarder, A.M.; Bhatia, Shusum; Curlin, George T.