Browse by Author Ward, Richard L.

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-1991Culture adaptation and characterization of group A rotaviruses causing diarrheal illnesses in Bangladesh from 1985 to 1986Ward, Richard L.; Clemens, John D.; Sack, David A.; Knowlton, Douglas R.; Mcneal, Monica M.; Huda, Nurul; Ahmed, Faruque; Rao, Malla; Schiff, Gilbert M.
1991Formation and selection of intergenogroup reassortants during cell culture adaptation of rotaviruses from dually infected subjectsWard, Richard L.; Nakagomi, Osamu; Knowlton, Douglas R.; McNeal, Monica M.; Nakagomi, Toyoko; Huda, Nurul; Clemens, John D.; Sack, David A.
1991Reactivities of serotyping monoclonal antibodies with culture-adapted human rotavirusesWard, Richard L.; McNeal, Monica M.; Clemens, John D.; Sack, David A.; Rao, Malla; Huda, Nurul; Green, Kim Y.; Kapikian, Albert Z.; Coulson, Barbara S.; Bishop, Ruth F.; Greenberg, Harry B.; Gerna, Guiseppe; Schiff, Gilbert M.
2001Safety and immunogenicity of tetravalent rhesus-based rotavirus vaccine in BangladeshBresee, Joseph S.; Arifeen, Shams EL; Azim, Tasnim; Chakraborty, J.; Mounts, Anthony W.; Podder, Goutam; Gentsch, Jon R.; Ward, Richard L.; Black, Robert; Glass, Roger I.; Yunus, Mohammed
1992Seroepidemiologic evaluation of antibodies to rotavirus as correlates of the risk of clinically significant rotavirus diarrhea in rural BangladeshClemens, John D.; Ward, Richard L.; Rao, Malla R.; Sack, David A.; Knowlton, Douglas R.; van Loon, Frederik P.L.; Huda, S.; McNeal, Monica; Ahmed, Faruque; Schiff, Gilbert