Browse by Author Tomkins, Andrew

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Feb-1984Development and evaluation of new immunological techniques for the dection of Giardia lamblia in a pilot study of childhood diarrhea in BangladeshHall, Andrew; Islam, Asma; Tomkins, Andrew; Rahman, Mujibur
Feb-1984Development and evaluation of new immunological techniques for the detection of giardia lambia in a pilot study of childhood diarrhoea in BangladeshHall, Andrew; Islam, Asma; Tomkins, Andrew; Rahaman, Mujibur
1999The distribution of Ascaris lumbricoides in human hosts: a study of 1765 people in BangladeshHall, Andrew; Anwar, Kazi Selim; Tomkins, Andrew; Rahman, Lutfar
14-Nov-1995Evaluation of the newly designed Osmotic Bags for preparation of oral rehydration solutionRoy, S.K.; Islam, Sirajul; Fuchs, G.; Tomkins, Andrew
6-Jul-1986Giardia and persistent diarrhoea in rural Bangladdeshi children: a study of food intake, gut permeability and growthHall, Andrew; Islam, Asma; Tomkins, Andrew
12-May-1991The neonato-maternal relationship in the population of a varying grades of iodine deficiency and ranking of some indicatorsAwwal, A.M.M. Anisul; Wahed, M.A.; Anwar, Udoy S.; Jahangir, Md.; Heywood, Peter; Tomkins, Andrew; Grimble, George
Feb-1993The role of zinc and vitamin A deficiency in diarrhoeal syndromes in developing countriesTomkins, Andrew; Behrens, Ron; Roy, Swapan
22-Jun-1994Zinc balance and biovailability from two different dietary regimes for children with acute and persistent diarrhoea syndrome in Bangladesh using stable isotopeRoy, S.K.; Tomkins, Andrew; Tait, Susan Fairweather; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Akramuzzaman, S.M.; Dewan, Nahrina