Browse by Author Speelman, Peter

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1983Amebiasis and giardiasis[book chapter]Glass, Ingrid; Speelman, Peter
1987Causes of death in diarrhoeal diseases after rehydration therapy : an autopsy study of 140 patients in BangladeshButler, Thomas; Islam, M.; Azad, A.K.; Islam, M.R.; Speelman, Peter
Nov-1986Colonic dysfunction during cholera infectionSpeelman, Peter; Butler, Thomas; Kabir, Iqbal; Ali, Akbar; Banwell, John
Nov-1986Colonic dysfunction during shigellosisButler, Thomas; Speelman, Peter; Kabir, Iqbal; Banwell, John
Jun-1985Diarrhea associated with typhoid feverRoy, S.K.; Speelman, Peter; Butler, Thomas; Nath, Sumit; Rahman, Hamidur; Stoll, Barbara J.
1987Differential clinical features and stool findings in shigellosis and amoebic dysenterySpeelman, Peter; McGlaughlin, Richard; Kabir, Iqbal; Butler, Thomas
Dec-1984Distribution and spread of colonic lesions in shigellosis: a colonoscopic studySpeelman, Peter; Kabir, Iqbal; Islam, Moyenul
1986Infectious diarrhea in Bangladesh: pathophysiological and etiological aspects[book]Speelman, Peter
Apr-1982Pilot survey for spirochetal and chlamydial agents in diarrheal patientsButler, Thomas; Stoll, Barbara; Bennish, Michael; McGlaughlin, Richard; Speelman, Peter; Huq, M. Imdadul
4-Jan-1982Pilot survey for spirochetal and chlamydial agents indiarrheal patientsButler, Thomas C.; Stoll, Barbara; Bennish, Michael; McGlaughlin, Richard; Speelman, Peter; Huq, M. Imdadul
Nov-1986Protozoal enteric infections among expatriates in BangladeshSpeelman, Peter; Ljungström, I.
Mar-1985Serological evidence for chlamydial infection in patients with acute diarrhoeaButler, Thomas; Knight, Jseph; Nath, Samir K.; Speelman, Peter; Roy, Swapan K.; Azad, M.A.K.
Feb-1985Single-dose tinidazole for the treatment of giardiasisSpeelman, Peter
1993Systemic allergic reaction and diarrhoea after pineapple ingestionKabir, Iqbal; Speelman, Peter; Islam, Asma
1989Systemic allergic reaction and diarrhoea following pineapple ingestion[abstract]Kabir, Iqbal; Speelman, Peter; Islam, Asma