Showing results 1 to 20 of 43
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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
31-Oct-2007 | 1988 floods in Bangladesh: pattern of illness and causes of death | Siddique, A.K.; Baqui, A.H.; Eusof, A.; Zaman, K. |
Aug-1993 | Acute toxicity of vitamin A given with vaccines in infancy | de Francisco, A.; Chakraborty, J,; Chowdhury, H.R.; Yunus, M.; Baqui, A.H.; Siddique, A.K.; Sack, R.B. |
Aug-1995 | Bulging fontanelle after supplementation with 25,000 IU of vitamin A in infancy using immunization contacts | Baqui, A.H.; de Francisco, A.; Arifeen, S.E.; Siddique, A.K.; Sack, R.B. |
Aug-2010 | Causes for hospitalizations at upazila health complexes in Bangladesh | Ahmed, Sirajuddin; Siddique, A.K.; Iqbal, Anwarul; Rahman, F.K. Nurur; Islam, Md. Noor; Sobhan, Md. Arif; Islam, Md. Rafiqul; Sack, R.B. |
2-Nov-1993 | Characterization of epidemic strains of vibrio cholerae 01 and non-01 based on genetic and phenotypic traits | Faruque, A.K.; Siddique, A.K.; Albert, M.J.; Alim, A.R.M.A.; Ahmad, Q.S.; Sack, R. Bradley |
Oct-1989 | Cholera epidemic and natural disasters; where is the link | Siddique, A.K.; Islam, Q.; Akram, K.; Mazumder, Y.; Mitra, A.; Eusof, A. |
Dec-1994 | Cholera in Bangladesh and Goma, Zaire 1994[conference paper] | Albert, MJ; Ansaruzzaman, M.; Bardhan, P.K.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Faruque, S.M.; Islam, M.S.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Rahman, M.; Sack, R. B.; Salam, M.A.; Siddique, A.K.; Yunus, M.D.; Zaman, K. |
Sep-1993 | Clonal relationships among classical Vibrio cholerae O1 strains isolated between 1961 and 1992 in Bangladesh | Faruque, Shah M.; Alim, A. R. M. Abdul; Rahman, M. Monjur; Siddique, A.K.; Sack, R. Bradley; Albert, M. John |
1987 | Cyclone deaths in Bangladesh, May 1985: who was at risk | Siddique, A.K.; Eusof, A. |
30-Aug-2007 | Differentiation of vibrio cholerae O1 isolates with biochemical fingerprinting and comparison with ribotyping | Ansaruzzaman, M.; Albert, M. John; Kuhn, I.; Faruque, S.M.; Siddique, A.K.; Mollby, R. |
Dec-1996 | Differentiation of Vibrio cholerae O1 isolates with biochemical fingerprinting and comparison with ribotyping | Ansaruzzaman, M.; Albert, M.John; Kühn, I.; Faruque, S.M.; Siddique, A.K.; Möllby, R. |
9-Mar-1997 | Ecological and epidemiological studies on Aeromonas spp. in Bangladesh with special emphasis on their spread between the environment and the humans | Albert, M.John; Islam, M.Sirajul; Faruque, Shah M.; Ansaruzzaman, M.; Siddique, A.K.; Mollby, Ronald; Kuhn, Inger; Katouli, Mohammad; Sack, R. Bradley |
1994 | El colera, una enfermedad impredecible | de Francisco, Andres; Siddique, A.K. |
Mar-1997 | Emergence of a new clone of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype El Tor displacing V. cholerae O139 Bengal in Bangladesh | Faruque, Shah M.; Ahmed, Kazi Mokim; Abdul, Alim A.R,M.; Qadri, Firdausi; Siddique, A.K.; Albert, M. John |
1994 | Emergence of a new epidemic strain of Vibrio cholerae in Bangladesh: an epidemiological study | Siddique, A.K.; Zaman, K.; Akram, K.; Mutsuddy, P.; Eusof, A.; Sack, R.B. |
Sep-2000 | Emergence of dengue haemorragic fever in Bangladesh : diagnosis, management and prospects for control | Rahman, Mahbubur; Siddique, A.K.; Rahman, Khalilur |
1992 | Enteropathogens associated with acute and persistent diarrhea in Bangladeshi children less than 5 years of age | Baqui, Abdullah H.; Sack, R. Bradley; Black, Robert E.; Haider, Khaleda; Hossain, Anowar; Alim, A.R.M. Abdul; Yunus, M.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Siddique, A.K. |
1999 | Environment pollution with arsenic in drinking water: an emerging public health problem in Bangladesh[book] | Anwar, K. Selim; Hossain, Afzal; Siddique, A.K.; SenGupta, P.K.; Rabbani, G.H. |
Jan-2001 | Epidemiology and ecology of vibrio cholerae in Bangladesh : the association of environmental variables and cholera outbreaks[working report] | Sack, R.B.; Sack, D.A.; Colwell, R.R.; Huq, A.; Chun, J.; Zo, Y.; Grim, C.; Lipp, E.; RIvera, I.; Morris, J.G.; Johnson, J.; Ali, A.; Sozhamannan, S.; Longini, I.; Nizam, A.; Weiss, P.; Siddique, A.K.; Islam, M.S.; Yunus, Md; Faruque, S.M.; Qadri, F.; Albert, M.J.; Nair, B. |
13-Jan-1993 | Epidemiology of diarrhoea and ARI in a cohort of new borns in rural Bangladesh | Hasan, Kh. Zahid; Sack, R.B.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Pati, B.P.; Siddique, A.K.; Albert, John; Unicomb, Leanne; Haque, Rashidul |