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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Alternative approaches to population projection [book chapter]Shahid, Nigar S.
11-Sep-1981Antenatal and postnatal care sociocultural aspectsIslam, M. Shafiqul; Shahid, Nigar S.; Claquin, P.
Oct-1981Antenatal and postnatal care sociocultural aspectsIslam, M. Shafiqul; Shahid, Nigar S.; Claquin, P.
1982Belief and attitude related to food preference and food avoidance during pregnancy in a rural population of Bangladesh[abstract]Islam, M. Shafiqul; Shahid, Nigar S.; Haque, Emdadul
1985Belief and practice related to food preference and food avoidance after childbirth in Matlab, Bangladesh[conference paper]Islam, M. Shafiqul; Shahid, Nigar S.; Haque, M. Emdadul
Jun-1983Beliefs and treatment related to diarrhoeal episodes reported in association with measlesShahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Aziz, K.M.A.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Bari, M.A.
1983Beliefs and treatment related to diarrhoeal episodes reported in association with measles[abstract]Shahid, Nigar S.; Aziz, K.H.A; Rahman, Mizanur; Faruque, A.S.G.; Bari, M.A.
Aug-1981Beliefs, attitudes and practices towards measles in rural Bangladesh (pilot study)Shahid, Nigar S.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Rahaman, M.M.
Apr-1986Breast feeding as a determinant of severity in shigellosis. Evidence for protection throughout the first three years of life in Bangladeshi childrenClemens, John D.; Stanton, Bonita; Stoll, Barbara; Shahid, Nigar S.; Banu, Hasina; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin
18-Nov-2007Breastmilk retinol levels in Bangladeshi mothers: reflection on the serum retinol level of infantsShahid, Nigar S.; Waned, M.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, M.; Steinhoff, M.C.
1985Changing pattern of resistance of antimicrobials among S. dysentariae type 1 and S. flexneri isolated in urban and rural Bangladesh between 1975 to 1984Rahaman, M. Mujibur; Aziz, K.M.S.; Munshi, M.H.; Hossain, Anowar; Shahid, Nigar S.; Khan, M.U.
Dec-1985Changing pattern of resistant Shiga bacillus (Shigella dysenteriae type 1) and Shigella flexneri in BangladeshShahid, Nigar S.; Rahaman, M. Mujibur; Haider, Khaleda; Banu, Hasina; Rahman, Nurur
1983Clinical aspects of cholera : classical versus El tor[abstract]Samadi, Aziz R.; Shahid, Nigar S.; Huq, M.I.
1983Concurrent classical & El tor cholera : a prospective family study[abstract]Shahid, Nigar S.; Samadi, Aziz R.; Khan, M.U.; Huq, M.I.
Jan-1985Cryptosporidiosis in Bangladesh[short report]Shahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, A.S.M.H.; Anderson, B.C.; Mata, L.J.; Sanyal, S.C.
26-Feb-1985Cryptosporidiosis in children in relation to nutritional and immunological status sources of infection and transmission in family contactsShahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Sack, D.A.; Sanyal, S.C.
Feb-1990Cryptosporidiosis: a cause of diarrhea in BangladeshRahman, Mahbubur; Shahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, H,; Sack, David A.; Rahman, N; Hossain, Sahadat
24-Apr-1983Cryptosporidium as a pathogen for diarrhea in BangladeshShahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, Hamidur; Mahmud, K.A.; Anderson, Bruce A.
Oct-1983Cryptosporidium as a pathogen for diarrhoea in BangladeshShahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, Hamidur; Mahmud, K.A.; Anderson, Bruce A.
1987Cryptosporidium as a pathogen for diarrhoea in BangladeshShahid, Nigar S.; Rahman, A.S.M.; Sanyal, Suhas C.