Browse by Author Seaton, Brian

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1977The development of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques for routine and research invetigations in the Cholera Research LaboratorySeaton, Brian
19-Mar-1982Directory of reprodective endocrinology research in S. E. AsiaSeaton, Brian
Nov-1982Effect of nutritional status on the pharmacokinetics of depo-medroxy progesterone acetateSeaton, Brian; Riad-Fahmy, Dianne
25-Jan-1982Effect of nutritional status on the pharmacokinetics of depo-medroxy progresterone acetateSeaton, Brian; Riad-Fahmy, Dianne
25-May-1982The effects of chronic caloric malnutrition on the levels of haemoglobin AicSeaton, Brian
Jun-1982The effects of chronic caloric malnutrition on the levels of haemoglobin AicSeaton, Brian
1977Hormonal coorelates of pregnancy and lactational amenorrheaSeaton, Brian
Nov-1977Hormonal coorelates of pregnancy and lactational amenorrheaSeaton, Brian
15-Jan-1982Minimum level of non-compliance amongst oral contraceptive acceptive acceptors in the Matlab, MCH-FP projectSeaton, Brian; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, Md.
Jan-1982Minimum level of non-compliance amongst oral contraceptive acceptors in the Matlab MCH-FP ProjectSeaton, Brian; Chakraborty, J.; Yunus, Md.
Jan-1985Noncompliance among oral contraceptive acceptors in rural BangladeshSeaton, Brian
1981REgional priorities in reproductive endocrinology research in Southeast Asia [conferene paper]Seaton, Brian
27-May-1981Reproductive endocrinology in relation to contraceptive safety in BangladeshSeaton, Brian; Phillips, James F.; Claquin, Pierre
Jun-1981Reproductive endocrinology in relation to contraceptive safety in BangladeshSeaton, Brian; Phillaps, James F.; Claquin, Pierre