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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2001An analysis of healthcare expenditure behavior of urban households in Bangladesh[abstract]Routh, Subrata; Howlader, Sushil Ranjan; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Atia; Saha, NIrod Chandra
Jul-2001Charging fees for Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) services : who are unwilling to pay[abstract]Hossain, Atia; Routh, Subrata
2001Coping with changing conditions: alternative strategies for the delivery of maternal and child health and family planning services in Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Arifeen, Shams El; Jahan, Shamim Ara; Begum, Anwara; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1997Cost-effectiveness and sustainability aspects of MCH-FP programmes in Bangladesh : a review of the past and present programesRouth, Subrata; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1999Cost-recovery strategies in the health and population programmes of Bangladesh: issues for the application of users feesQuayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Rahman, M Anisur; Jahan, Monowar; Barkat-e-Khuda
Jul-2001Current expenditure and willingness-to-pay for health services in publicsector facilities : evidence from rural households in Bangladesh[abstract]Routh, Subrata; Saha, Nirod
Apr-1998The demand for child curative care in rural Bangladesh : effect of income and women's employmentLevin, Ann; Rahman, Anisur; Quayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata
1998Demand for child curative care in two rural Thanas of Bangladesh : effects of income and women's employmentLevin, Ann; Rahman, M. Anisur; Quayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
2001The demand for child curative care in two rural thanas of Bangladesh: effect of income and women's employmentLevin, Ann; Rahman, M.A.; Quayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
1998Demand for Child Curative Care in Two Rural Thanas of Bangladesh: Effects of Income and Women’s EmploymentLevin, Ann; Rahman, M Anisur; Quayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Khuda, Barkat-e-
Jun-2001Demand for healthcare by rural households in Bangladesh : level and determinants[abstract]Howlader, Sushil; Routh, Subrata; Hossain, Atia; Saha, Nirod Chandra; Barkat-e-Khuda
2000Demand for healthcare by rural households in Bangladesh : level and determinants[abstract]Howlader, Sushil Ranjan; Routh, Subrata; Hossain, Atia; Shaha, Nirod Chandra; Barkat-e-Khuda
2000Demand for healthcare by rural households in Bangladesh: level and determinantsHowlader, Sushil Ranjan; Routh, Subrata; Hossain, Atia; Saha, Nirod Chandra; Barkat-e-Khuda
2000Demand for Healthcare by Rural Households in Bangladesh: Level and DeterminantsHowlader, Sushil Ranjan; Routh, Subrata; Hossain, Atia; Saha, Nirod Chandra; Khuda, Barkat-e-
1997Developing alternative service delivery strategies for MCH-FP Services in urban areas : findings from an experimentRouth, Subrata; Arifeen, Shams El; Jahan, Shamim Ara; Begum, Anwara; Thwin, Aye Aye; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1999An economic appraisal of alternative strategies for delivery of MCH-FP services in Urban Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
1999An Economic Appraisal of Alternative Strategies for Delivery of MCH-FP Services in Urban Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Khuda, Barkat-e-
2000An economic appraisal of alternative strategies for the delivery of MCH-FP services in urban Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
2001Economic evaluation of shigellosis in an urban area of Dhaka, BangladeshRouth, Subrata
2002Meeting Additional Health and Family-planning Needs of Clients by Addressing Missed Opportunities: An Urban ExperienceKhanam, Rasheda; Hossain, S.A. Shahed; Sarker, Sukumar; Musa, S.A.J.; Routh, Subrata