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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1973Civil war in Bangladesh : famine avertedChen, Lincoln C; Rohde, Jon E.
Aug-1973Effect of amphotericin on sodium and water movement across normal and cholera toxin challanged canine jejunumChen, Lincoln C.; Guerrant, Richard L.; Rohde, Jon E.; Casper, Alfred G.T.
Mar-1970Effect of spironolactone on stool electrolyte losses during human choleraGuerrant, Richard L.; Chen, Lincoln C,; Rohde, Jon E.
Sep-1971Famine and civil war in East PakistanLancet 1971 Sep 11;2(7724):557-60; Chen, Lincoln C.; Rohde, Jon E.
Apr-1972Health priorities among Bangladesh refugeesGardner, Piercb; Rohde, Jon E.; Majumdar, M.B.
Oct-1973In vitro measurement of ion fluxes across biopsies of human jejeunal mucosa during choleraRohde, Jon E.; Andersen, Bernard
May-1971Intestinal adenyl cyclase activity in human choleraChen, Lincoln C.; Rohde, Jon E.; Sharp, Geoffrby W. G.
1970Measurement of short circuit in jejunal mucosl of cholera patients[abstract]Rohde, Jon E.; Anderson, Berrhard; Phillips, R.A.
Mar-1972Permeability and selectivity of canine and human jejunum during choleraRohde, Jon E.; Chen, Lincoln C.
1971Politics of starvation(editorial)Rohde, Jon E.
Apr-1972Properties of adenyl cyclase from human jejunal mucosa during naturally acquired cholera and convalescenceChen, Lincoln C.; Rohde, Jon E.; Sharp, Geoffrey W.
1973Refuges in india : health priorities(book chapter)Rohde, Jon E.; Chen, Lincoln C.; Gardner, Par
1973Refuges in india : innovative health care programs(book chapter)Rohde, Jon E.; Gardner, Pierce
1971Stimulation of adenyl cyclase by cholera toxin in experimental and human cholera[conference paper]Chen, Lincoln C.; Curlin, George T.; Guerrant, Richard L.; Rohde, Jon E.; Sharp, Geoffery W.G.
1983Therapeutic interventions in diarrhea[book chapter]Rohde, Jon E.; Cash, Richard A.; Guerrant, Richard L.; Mahalanabis, Dillip; Molla, A.M.; Valyasevi, Aree
1973Transport of glucose and amino acids in human jejunum during Asiatic choleraRohde, Jon E.; Cash, Richard A.