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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992A 1-Year old girl with severe malnutrition, bloody-mucoid diarrhoea and fever : postmortem study case-2 of 1992 presentation of the caseRabbani, G.H.; Ashraf;, Hassan; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K.
Apr-1996Abnormalities of gastric acid secretion in infectious entric diseases[abstract]Rabbani, G.H.; Gilman, R.H.; Evans, C.
14-Mar-2012The acidosis of cholera. Contributions of hyperproteinemia, lactic acidemia, and hyperphosphatemia to an increased serum anion gapWang, Fong; Butler, Thomas; Rabbani, G.H.; Jones, Paul K.
1982Amebic colitis: correlation of proctoscopy before treatment and barium enema after treatmentMartinez, Carlos R.; Gilman, Robert H.; Rabbani, G.H.; Koster, Fred
7-May-2001Antiinflammatory effects of L-histidine in experimental colitis due to Shigella flexneri infection in rabbits [abstract]Rabbani, G.H.; Sack, D.A.; Peterson, Johnny Wayne
Apr-1984Antisecretory activity of berberune surface in acute cholera (abstract)Butler, T.; Rabbani, G.H.; Knight, J.; Sanyal, S.; Huq, M.
1986Antisecretory and antimicrobial drugs for treating diarrhoea[conference paper]Greenough, W.B.; Rabbani, G.H.
8-Nov-1983Antisecretory drug trial: clonidine hydrochloridePatte, D.; Rabbani, G.H.
24-May-1986The antisecretory role of 5-HT antagonist in patients with diarrhoea due to vibrio choleraeRabbani, G.H.; Van Loon, F.P.L.; Shahrier, Mamun; Rask-Madsen, J.; Bukhave, K.
2002Antitoxidants in detoxifiction of arsenic induced oxidative injury in rabbits [Book chapter]Rabbani, G.H.; Saha, S.K.; Marni, F.; Akhtar, M.; Alauddin, M.; Mitra, A.K.; Nasir, Morshed; Chowdhury, A. K. Azad
May-1999Bangladesh Arsenic Control Society (BACS) : Background, scopes and objectives[conference paper]Rabbani, G.H.
1998Benneficial effects of pection and raw banana in the dietary management of persistent diarrhea in children [abstract]Rabbani, G.H.; Fuchs, G.J.; Teka, T.; Zaman, B.
Sep-1985Berberine sulfate inhibits fluid loss in non-cholera diarrhea (abstracts)Rabbani, G.H.; Butler, Thomas
Dec-1991Chloride channel bloker (Anthracene-9-carboxyllic acid) and glucose polymer inhibit water and electrolyte secretion induced by DBcAMP inthe small intestine of rat[conference papers]Rabbani, G.H.; Lebenthal, Emanuel
Feb-1979Chlorpromazine reduces fluid-loss in choleraRabbani, G.H.; Greenough, William B. III; Holmgren, J.; Lönnroth, I.
1985CholeraRabbani, G.H.
1995Cholera toxin stimulates absorption of d-glucose from the adult rabbit small intestine in vivoBhattacharya, M.K.; Rabbani, G.H.; Mazumder, R.N.; Khan, A.M.; Hossain, Motaher; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1997Cholera toxin stimulates glucose absorption from rabbit intestineBhattacharya, M.K.; Rabbani, G.H.; Mazumder, R.N.; Khan, M.A.; Hossain, M.; Fuchs, G.J.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1990Cholera[book chapter]Rabbani, G.H.; Greenough, W.B. III
2002Chronic arsenic toxicity through contaminated drinking water in Bangladesh: magnitude of the problem, health effects and detoxificationRabbani, G.H.; Saha, Shyamal Kumar