Browse by Author Monsur, K.A.

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1963Bacterilogical diagnosis of cholera under field conditionsMonsur, K.A.
1985Cholera (book chapter)Monsur, K.A.; Greenough III, W.B.
1971Clinical studies of the use of bacteriophage in the treatment of choleraMarcuk, L.M.; Nikiforov, V.N.; Scerbak, J.F.; Levitov, T.A.; Kotljarova, R.I,; Naumsina, M.S.; Davydov, S.U.; Monsur, K.A.; Rahman, M.A.; Latif, M.A.; Northrup, R.S.; Cash, Richard A.; Hug, I.; Dey, C.R.; Phillips, Robert A.
27-Aug-2007Comparative behaviour of classical and El Tor biotypes of Vibrio cholerae 01 isolated in Bangladesh during 1982.Huq, M.I.; Sanyal, S.C.; Samadi, A.R.; Monsur, K.A.
1975Comparative trial of Dacca soluation and a low-sodium containing solution in intravenous therapy of non-cholera diarrhoea[book chapter]Rahaman, M. Mujibur; Monsur, K.A.; Majid, M.A.; Torrance, D.G.; Verwey, W.
Dec-1962Detection of cholera phage in the environment[abstract]Monsur, K.A.; Haque, I.; Latif, M.A.
1970Effect of massive doses of bacteriophage on excretion of vibrios, duration of diarrhoea and output of stools in acute cases of choleraMonsur, K.A.; Rahman, M.A.; Huq, F.; Islam, M.N.; Northrup, R.S.; Hirschhorn, N.
1965Effect of Mukerjee's group iv phage on el tor bibriosMonsur, K.A.; Rizvi, S.S.H.; Huq, M.I.; Benenson, A.S.
1986An evaluation of the pooling method for detecting enterotoxigenic escherichia coliMonsur, K.A.; Kay, Bradford A.; Miah, A. Latif; Begum, Y.A.
1-Mar-1984Evaluation of the use of phage pattern as an identification marker to follow-up Escherichia coli infection from index cases to contractsMonsur, K.A.; Miah, A.Latif; Rahman, Mahbubur
1979Evaluation of two intravenous rehydration solutions in cholera and non-cholera diarrhoeaRahaman, M. Mujibur; Majid, M.A.; Monsur, K.A.
14-Apr-1987Examination of a possible corelation between the phage pattern and plasmid profile of ETEC strainsRahman, Sadequr; Bagum, Yasmin Ara; Monsur, K.A.; Ahmed, Zia Uddin
Sep-1983First isolation of Yersinia intermedia from stool during an epidemiological investigation in BangladeshSamadi, A.R.; Huq, M.I.; Monsur, K.A.; Kibriya, A.K.M. Golam
Sep-1961A highly selective gelatintaurocholate-tellurite medium for the isolation of vibrio choleraeMonsur, K.A.
Mar-1983How this happened[editorial]Monsur, K.A.
11-Aug-1987Incidence of diarrhoea due to Esccherichia coliMonsur, K.A.; Ahmed, Zia Uddin; Alam, A.N.; Kay, B.A.; Ciznar, Ivan
29-Sep-1983Investigation of simultaneous outbreak of Classical Inaba and EI Tor CholeraShahid, Nigar S.; Samadi, A.R.; Huq, M.I.; Sanyal, S.C.; Greenough III, W.B.; Monsur, K.A.
Oct-1983Investigation of simultaneous outbreak of classical inaba and El Tor Ogawa choleraShahid, Nigar S.; Samadi, A.R.; Huq, M.I.; Sanyal, S.C.; Greenough, W.B.; Monsur, K.A.
Jul-1966Non-cholera vibrios in diarrheal diseases of East PakistanGoodner, K.; Smith, H.L.; Monsur, K.A.; Huq, Imdadul
Jan-1965Observations on the Interrelationship of choleraphages and El tor vibrios[conference paper]Rizvi, Saiyid S.H.; Monsur, K.A.