Browse by Author Molla, Abdul Majid

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Dec-1979Absorption of vitamin A and zinc status in diarrhoea of different etiologyMolla, Ayesha; Molla, Abdul Majid
Oct-1982Calorie intake in childhood diarrhoeaSarker, Shafiqul Alam; Molla, Abdul Majid; Karim, A.K.M.M.; Rahman, M. Mujibur
Jul-1982Calorie intake in childhood diarrhoeaSarker, Shafiqul Alam; Molla, Abdul Majid; Karim, A.K.M.M.; Rahaman, M. Mujibur
Dec-1983Change in serum vitamin A concentration after an oral dose in children with acute diarrheaMolla, A.; Islam, Asma; Molla, Abdul Majid; Jahan, Ferdous
1991Effect of antibiotics on food intake and absorption of nutrients for children with diarrhea due to ShigellaMolla, Abdul Majid; Molla, Ayesha Majid
Jun-1981Effects of diarrhoea on absorption of macronutrients during acute stage and after recoveryMolla, Ayesha; Molla, Abdul Majid; Sarker, Shafiqul Alam; Khatoon, Makhduma; Rahaman, M. Mujibur
1990Feeding in diarrhea during the acute stage and after recovery : experience in developing countries [book chapter]Molla, Abdul Majid; Molla, Ayesha; Khatun, Naseha; Khatun, Makhduma
1982Intake and absorption of nutrients in children with cholera and rotavirus infection during acute diarrhea and after recoveryMolla, Ayesha; Molla, Abdul Majid; Rahim, Abdur; Sarker, Shafiqul Alam; Mozaffar, Zahid; Rahman, Mujibur
Mar-1993Malabsorption of nutrients in children with diarrhoea due to unknown aetiologiesMolla, Ayesha; Molla, Abdul Majid; Khatun, Makduma; Khurshid, Mohammad
1993Plantain-based oral rehydration solution in the management of acute diarrhoea in childrenIslam, Asma; Molla, Abdul Majid; Alam, Nurul Haque; Khatun, Makhdoma