Browse by Author Mirza, Tanjina

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Clinic waste disposal in the rural family planning progamme of BangladeshMirza, Tanjina; Ashraf, Ali; Kabir, Humayun; Wajed, Abdul; Ahmed, Jasimuddin
Jul-1996Health gender sexuality : Bangladesh country reportRoss, J.L.; Chowdhury, Syeda Nahid M.; Mirza, Tanjina
Sep-1994Lessons learned on doorstep delivery of injectable contraceptives : workshop proceedings September , 1994 Sasakawa International training Centre Audiotorium, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, BangladeshBarkat-e-Khuda; Mirza, Tanjina; Ahmed, Shameem
1994Lessons learned on doorstep delivery of injectable contraceptives; workshop proceedings, Dhaka, 28 September 1994 [conference proceedings]Barkat-e-Khuda; Mirza, Tanjina; Ahmed, Shameem
1997Management of reproductive tract infections in rural BangladeshAhmed, Mohsin U; Mirza, Tanjina; Khanum, Parveen A.; Khan, Mehrab A.; Ahmed, Shameem; Khan, Mobarak H.
1997Management of reproductive tract infections in rural Bangladesh[book chapter]Ahmed, Mohsin U.; Mirza, Tanjina; Khannum, Perveen A.; Khan, Mehrab A.; Ahmed, Shameem; Khan, Mobarak H.
Apr-1999Management of reproductive tract infections in rural Bangladesh[short report]Ahmed, Mohsin U.; Mirza, Tanjina; Khanum, Parveen A.; Khan, Mehrab A .; Ahmed, Shameem; Khan, Mobarak H.
2000The quality of care provided at union health and family welfare centres in Bangladesh : clints' perspectivesKhanum, Parveen A.; Wirzba, Helene; Haque, Indirani; Mirza, Tanjina; Juncker, Therese
Mar-1995Service delivery at family welfare centres: the clients perspectiveKhanam, Parveen A.; Wirzba, Helene; Mirza, Tanjina; Juncker, Therese
1996Service delivery at the union health and family welfare centres: the clints' perspectiveKhanam, Parveen A.; Wirzba, Helene; Haque, Indrani; Mirza, Tanjina; Juncker, Theresa
23-Nov-1989A study of childhood diarrhoea treatment practices of mothers in an urban slum of Dhaka, BangladeshMirza, Tanjina; Underwood, P.; Hall, A.
1996Training experience in domiciliary injectable contraceptive services in the national family planning programme[Working papers]Mirza, Tanjina; Ashraf, Ali; Kabir, Humayun; Ahmed, Jahiruddin
1996Training experience in domiciliary injectable contraceptive services in the national programmeMirza, Tanjina; Ashraf, Ali; Kabir, Humayun; Ahmed, Jahiruddin