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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1967Antibiotic therapy of choleraLindenbaum, J.; Greenough, W.B., III; Islam, M.R.
Aug-1966Antibiotic therapy of cholera[abstract]Islam, R.; Lindenbaum, J.; Greenough, W.B.; Akbar, R.; Rizvi, S.
May-1966Cholera in childrenLindenbaum, J.; Gordon, R.S.; Hirschhorn, N.; Akbar, R.; Greenough, W.B., III; Islam, MR
Feb-1983Dignox absorption and metabolism in patients with acute diarrhoeaLindenbaum, J.; Alam, A.N.
25-Jan-1983Digoxin absorption and metabolism in patients with acute diarrhoeaLindenbaum, J.; Alam, A.N.
Jul-1966Hypoglycaemia in children with acute diarrhoeaHrischhorn, N.; Lindenbaum, J.; Greenough, W.B., III; Alam, S.M.
Dec-1966Malabsorption and jejunitis in American peace crops volunteers in PakistanLindenbaum, J.; Kent, T.H.; Sprinz, H.
May-1965Non-vibrio choleraLindenbaum, J.; Greenough, W.B., III; Benenson, A.S.; Oseasohn, R.O.; Rizvi, S.; Saad, A.
1965Nutritional studies in cholera: the influence of nutritional status on suspectibility to infectionRosenberg, I.H.; Greenough, William B.; Lindenbaum, J.; Gordon, R.S.
9-Oct-2007Subclinical malabsorption in East PakistanLindenbaum, J.
11-Oct-2007Subclinical small-intestinal desease in East PakistanLindenbaum, J.; Alam, A.K.M.J.; Kent, T.H.
Apr-1966The treatment of cholera 1965: the method of the Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research LaboratoryAlam, A.K.M.J.; Haque, Z.; Ally, KM; Akbar, R.; Firoze, A.; Hirschhorn, N.; Imam, M.W.; Islam, M.R.; Lindenbaum, J.; Molla, A.M.; Rahman, M.; Sachar, D.; Taylor, J.O.
1964Treatment of cholera in 1964Gordon, R.S.; Ahmed, J.; Akbar, R.; Alam, A.K.M.J.; Ali, M.M.; Barui, R.K.; Greenough, W.B., III; Islam, M.R.; Khan, A.Q.; Lindenbaum, J.; Rahman, A.S.M.M.; Zoha, M.S.
Dec-1965The treatment of cholera, 1965: the method of the Pakistan SEATO Cholera Research LaboratoryTaylor, J.O.; Alam, A.K.M. Jamiul; Ally, K.M.; Akbar, R.; Firoze, A.; Hirschhorn, N.; Hoque, Z.; Imam, Y.; Islam, M.R.; Lindenbaum, J.; Mojid, A.; Rahman, M.; Sachar, D.