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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1996Changes in the peripheral blood T-Cell receptor V beta repertoire in vivo and in vitro during shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Wretlind, Bengt; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
Feb-1995Cytokine secretion in acute shigellosis is correlated to disease activity and directed more to stool than to plasmaRaqib, Rubhana; Wretlind, Bengt; Andersson, Jan; Lindberg, Alf A.
1996Dissociation between cytokine mRNA expression and protein production in shigellosisRaqib, Raqib; Ljungdahl, Ake; Lindberg, Alf A.; Wretlind, Bengt; Andersson, Ulf; Andersson, Jan
Aug-1995Down-regulation of gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor type I, interleukin 1 (IL-1) type I, IL-3, IL-4, and transforming growth factor beta type I receptors at the local site during the acute phase of Shigella infectionRaqib, Rubana; Lindberg, Alf A.; Björk, Lars; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Wretlind, Bengt; Andersson, Ulf; Andersson, Jan
1993Immune responses to shigella dysenteriae 1 and shigella flexneri lipoppolysaccharide and polysaccharide antigens in Bangladeshi patients with shigellosis[conference paper]Raquib, Rubana; Tzipori, Saul; Islam, Moyenul; Lindberg, Alf A.
May-1995Immunoglobulin subclass distribution and dynamics of Shigella-specific antibody responses in serum and stool samples in shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Wretlind, Bengt; Ryd, Marie; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
Sep-1997In situ characterization of inflammatory responses in the rectal mucosae of patients with shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Veress, Bela; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
1996Pathogenesis and immune responses in shigellosis[extended abstract]Raqib, Rubana; Wretlind, Bengt; Lindberg, Alf A.; Liungdahl, Ake; Andersson, Jan
Jan-1995Persistence of local cytokine production in shigellosis in acute and convalescent stagesRaqib, Rubana; Lindberg, Alf A.; Wretlind, Bengt; Bardhan, Pradeep Kumar; Andersson, Ulf; Andersson, Jan
Jun-1997Quantitative assessment of IgG and IgA subclass producing cells in rectal mucosa during shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Veress, Bela; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
Jul-1996Semiquantitative estimation of Shigella antigen-specific antibodies: correlation with disease severity during shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Wretlind, Bengt; Hammarström, Lennart; Christensson, Birger; Lindberg, Alf A.
Aug-1995Shigella infection induces cellular activation of T and B cells and distinct species-related changes in peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets during the course of the diseaseIslam, Dilara; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger