Browse by Author Koblinsky, Marge

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Case studies for safe motherhood: learning from South Asian programsKoblinsky, Marge
Apr-2009Causes of maternal mortality decline in Matlab, BangladeshChowdhury, Mahbub Elahi; Ahmed, Anisuddin; Kalim, Nahid; Koblinsky, Marge
2005Determining the burden of maternal ill health and death and its programmatic implications in rural Bangladesh: Understanding the incidence of moderate/severe obstetric complications and maternal death, their physical consequences; psychological, economic and social impact; and determinants in rural BangladeshKoblinsky, Marge; Chowdhury, Mahbub Elahi
2005Evaluation of two home-based skilled birth attendant programs in rural BangladeshAnwar, A.T.M Iqbal; Koblinsky, Marge
May-2009MANOSHI Working Paper Series No 4Islam, Ziaul; Oliveras, Elizabeth; Saha, Nirod C.; Islam, Meghla; Walker, Damian G.; Koblinsky, Marge
Apr-2009Postpartum haemorrhage and eclampsia: differences in knowledge and care-seeking behaviour in two districts of BangladeshKalim, Nahid; Anwar, Iqbal; Khan, Jasmin; Blum, Lauren S.; Moran, Allisyn C.; Botlero, Roslin; Koblinsky, Marge
Apr-2009Public-sector maternal health programmes and services for rural BangladeshMridha, Malay Kanti; Anwar, Iqbal; Koblinsky, Marge
Apr-2009Quality of obstetric care in public-sector facilities and constraints to implementing emergency obstetric care services: evidence from high- and low-performing districts of BangladeshAnwar, Iqbal; Kalim, Nahid; Koblinsky, Marge
Sep-2008Reducing maternal mortality and improving maternal health: Bangladesh and MDG 5Koblinsky, Marge; Anwar, Iqbal; Mridha, Malay Kanti; Chowdhury, Mahbub Elahi; Botlero, Roseline
5-Sep-2007Reproductive and newborn healthKoblinsky, Marge