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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
19881985 field trial of oral cholera vaccines in Bangladesh: background studies on the method of vaccine delivery, vaccine immunogenecity, and vaccine safety[book chapter]Clemens, J.; Sack, D.; Stanton, B.; Chakraborty, J.; Khan, M.R.; Huda, S.; Harris, J.; Rahman, A.; Ahmed, F.; Rahaman, S.; Banik, A.; Yunus, M.; Chowdhury, S.; Ali, M.; Holmgren, J.; Jertborn, M.; Svennerholm, A.M.
Jan-1987B subunit-whole cell and whole cell-only oral vaccines against cholera: studies on reactogenicity and immunogenicityClemens, John D.; Stanton, Bonita F.; Chakraborty, J.; Sack, David A.; Khan, M.R.; Huda, S.; Ahmed, F.; Harris, Jeffery R.; Yunus, M.; Khan, M.U.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Jertborn, M.; Holmgren, Jan
1983Current status of an oral B subunit whole cell cholera vaccine[book chapter]Svennerholm, An-Mari; Jertborn, M.; Gothefors, L.; Karim, A.; Sack, D.A.; Holmgren, J.
Jul-1986Effect of neutralization of gastric acid on immune responses to an oral B subunit, killed whole-cell cholera vaccineClemens, J.D.; Jertborn, M.; Sack, D.; Stanton, B.; Holmgren, J.; Khan, M.R.; Huda, S.
1981Intestinal immune responses in bengalis to a combined B subunit whole cell cholera vaccineSvennerholm, A-M; Jertborn, M.; Gothefors, L.; Karim, A.; Sack, D.; Holmgren, J.
1993Oral B Subunit-whole cell cholera vaccine[book chapter]Holmgren, J.; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Jertborn, M.; Sack, D.A.; Clemens, J.; Greenough, W.B.; Glass, R.I.; Black, R.; Levine, M.
Aug-1986Saliva, breast milk, and serum antibody responses as indirect measures of intestinal immunity after oral cholera vaccination or natural diseaseJertborn, M.; Svennerholm, A.M,; Holmgren, J.
1985Secretory immunity to vibrio cholerae bacteria and cholera toxin : prospects for an improved cholera vaccineSvennerholm, Ann-Mari; Jertborn, M.; Gothefors, L.; Karim, A.; Sack, David A.; Holmgren, J.