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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Nov-2007Aetiology and pathogenesis of chronic diarrhoeal illness in adultsAzad, A.K.; Islam, M.; Islam, R.; Salam, M.A.; Hoque, S.S.; Alam, A.N.; Butler, T.
Aug-1966Antibiotic therapy of cholera[abstract]Islam, R.; Lindenbaum, J.; Greenough, W.B.; Akbar, R.; Rizvi, S.
1975Changing pattterns of death among cholera patients in DaccaRahaman, M. Mujibur; Alam, A. K. M. J.; Islam, R.
1975CHolera severity as related to nutritional status and antibiotic therapy[book chapter]Alam, A.K.M.J.; Islam, R.; Koster, F.T.; Palmer, D.L.; Torrance, D.G.
May-1997Comparison of clinical features and pathologic findings in fatal cases of typhoid fever during the initial and later stages of the diseaseAzad, A.K.; Islam, R.; Salam, M.A.; Alam, A.N.; Islam, M.; Butler, T.
1976Comparison of glucose and sucrose- electrolyte solutions for oral fluid therapy of severe diarrheaKoster, F.T.; Palmer, D.; Islam, R.; Rahman, M.M.; Sack, B.
1975Controlled clinical trial of doxycycline in cholera[book chapter]Rahaman, M. Mujibur; Alam, A.K.M. Jamiul; Islam, R.
Oct-1978Coparision of labon-gur (Common salt+ brown sugar) with labon-gur soda (common salt+ brown sugar+ scdibicarb) as oral rehydration solution in diarrheaIslam, R.
1975Depression of cell-mediated immunity in during acute infection[book chapter]Palmer, D.L.; Koster, F.T.; Islam, R.; Alam, A.K.M.J.; Bhuiyan, M.A.; Huque, S.
14-Nov-2007Effects of age, duration of illness and infecting species on the pathology of fatal childhood shigellosisAzad, A.K.; Islam, M.; Islam, R.; Salam, M.A.; Alam, A.N.; Butler, T.
12-Dec-1979Gram-negative shock: effect of cortlcosteroidsIslam, R.
Mar-1981Hypoglycemia: a complication of diarrhea in childhoodMolla, A. Majid; Hossain, M.; Islam, R.; Bardhan, P.K.; Sarker, S.A.
1997An inventory of health and family planning facilities in Dhaka city[book]Mazumder, M.A.; Bhuiyan, M.A.; Tunon, C.; Baqui, A.H.; Chowdhury, A.I.; Khan, S.A.; Arifeen, S.E.; Islam, R.
13-Jul-1983Presence and biochemical basis of an increased serum anion gap in the metabolic acidosis of choleraHuq, M.; Waheed, A.; Butler, T.; Islam, R.
Sep-1983Presence and biochemical basis of an increased serum anion gap in the metabolic acidosis of choleraHuq, M.; Wahed, A.; Butler, Thomas; Islam, R.
1969Reduction of maintenance of intravenous fluid needs in cholera by means of an oral therapeutic solutionNalin, David R.; Cash, Richard A.; Reller, B.; Rochat, R.; Islam, R.
1983Replacement of intravenous therapy by oral rehydration solution in a large treatment centre for diarrhoea with dehydrationSamadi, A.R.; Islam, R.; Huq, M.I.
1998Tetanus toxoid immunization coverage among women in zone 3 of Dhaka city: the challenge of reaching all women of reproductive age in urban BangladeshPerry, H.; Weierbach, R.; Hossain, I.; Islam, R.
Dec-1980Types of dehydration with particular reference to hypernatremiaSamadi, Aziz R.; Wahed, M.A.; Islam, R.; Alam, Moenul; Shahabuddin
17-Dec-1980Types of dehydration with particular references to hypernatremiaSamadi, Aziz R.; Wahed, M.A.; Islam, R.; Alam, Momenul; Shahabuddin