Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1992 | A 1-Year old girl with severe malnutrition, bloody-mucoid diarrhoea and fever : postmortem study case-2 of 1992 presentation of the case | Rabbani, G.H.; Ashraf;, Hassan; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K. |
Feb-1985 | An animal model of haemolytic--uraemic syndrome in shigellosis: lipopolysaccharides of Shigella dysenteriae I and S. flexneri produce leucocyte-mediated renal cortical necrosis in rabbits | Butler, Thomas; Rahman, Hamidur; Al-Mahmud, K.A.; Islam, Moyenul; Bardhan, Pradip; Kabir, Iqbal; Rahman, M.M. |
Nov-1989 | Causes of death and the histopathologic findings in fatal shigellosis | Butler, Thomas; Dunn, Dale; Dahms, Beverly; Islam, Moyenul |
1-Nov-2007 | Clinical and autopsy findings of a nine-month-old girl with malnutrition and pneumonia postmortem study case - 15/91: presentation of the case | Rahman, M. Mujibur; Hossain, S.M. Ismail; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K. |
Jan-1986 | Colonic perforation in Shigella dysenteriae 1 infection (brief report) | Azad, M.A.K.; Islam, Moyenul; Butler, Thomas |
Nov-1989 | Depletion of hepatic glycogen in the hypoglycaemia of fatal childhood diarrhoeal illnesses | Butler, Thomas; Arnold, Muoi; Islam, Moyenul |
Nov-1995 | Development of an improved animal model of shigellosis in the adult rabbit by colonic infection with Shigella flexneri 2a | Rabbani, G.H.; Albert, M. John; Rahman, Hamidur; Islam, Moyenul; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Kabir, I.; Alam, K.; Ansaruzzaman, M. |
Dec-1984 | Distribution and spread of colonic lesions in shigellosis: a colonoscopic study | Speelman, Peter; Kabir, Iqbal; Islam, Moyenul |
1991 | Hafnia alvei, a probable cause of diarrhea in humans | Albert, M. John; Alam, Khorshed; Islam, Moyenul; Montanaro, Jacqueline; Rahaman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Haider, Khaleda; Hossain, M. Anowar; Kibriya, A.K.M.G.; Tzipori, Saul |
1989 | Histopathology and etiology of childhood pneumonia: an autopsy study of 93 patients in Bangladesh | Tomashefski, Joseph F.; Butler, Thomas; Islam, Moyenul |
1993 | Immune responses to shigella dysenteriae 1 and shigella flexneri lipoppolysaccharide and polysaccharide antigens in Bangladeshi patients with shigellosis[conference paper] | Raquib, Rubana; Tzipori, Saul; Islam, Moyenul; Lindberg, Alf A. |
May-1991 | Localized adherence and attaching-effacing properties of nonenteropathogenic serotypes of Escherichia coli | Albert, M. John; Alam, Khorshed; Ansaruzzaman, M.; Montanaro, Jacqueline; Islam, Moyenul; Faruque, Shah M.; Haider, Khaleda; Bettelheim, Karl; Tzipori, Saul |
1992 | A nine-month old malnourished baby girl presenting with shigellosis, pneumonia and shock | Hoque, Syed Samiul; Islam, Moyenul; Khan, M.R. |
20-Sep-1984 | Pathological studies of fatal complications of childhood diarrhoeal diseases | Butler, Thomas C.; Islam, Rafiqul; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K. |
Oct-1984 | Pathological studies of fatal complications of childhood diarrhoeal diseases | Butler, Thomas C.; Islam, Rafiqul; Islam, Moyenul; Azad, A.K. |
1991 | Record of clinicopathological conference of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh clinical and autopsy findings of a Six-year old girl with malnutrition, amoebic colitis and peritonitis | Ashraf, Hasan; Islam, Moyenul |