Browse by Author Islam, M.A.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-1993Can infants and young children eat enough green leafy vegetables from a single traditional meal to meet their daily vitamin A requirementsRahman, M.M.; Mahalanabis, D.; Islam, M.A.; Biswas, E.
1965Cholera in East Pakistan families, 1962-63Akef, Q.M.A.; Akhter, J.; Davies, B.I.; Islam, M.A.; Khan, S.A.; Khan, A.Q.; Rahman, A.S.M.M.; Stockard, J.L.; Oseasohn, R.O.
Feb-1966Clinical and bacteriological findings among families of cholera patientsOseasohn, R.O.; Ahmad, S.; Islam, M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M.M.
1997Comparison of plasma kinetics of an oral dose of tetra-deuterated retinyl acetate (TDRA) in human volunteers with estimated low or high total body stores of Vitamin A[abstract]Haskell, M.J.; Handelman, G.J.; Islam, M.A.; Jones, A.D.; Peerson, J.M.; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Brown, K.H.
Feb-1997Early vitamin A supplementation and cell mediated immunity in infants[abstracts]Rahman, MM; Alvarez, J.O.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Wahed, M.A.; Islam, M.A.; Habte, D.
16-Feb-1988ICDDR,B surveillance program, Teknaf treatment CentresMunshi, M.H.; Islam, M.A.
Aug-2001Management of severe malnutrition: mortality among children treated by the adapted WHO protocol and catch-up growth on indigenous diets (abstract)Ahmed, Tahmeed; Islam, M.; Adhikari, S.; Nahar, B.; Azam, M.A.; Biswas, E.; Islam, M.A.; Ali, M.; Suskind, R.; Fuchs, G.
Mar-1995Megadose Vitamin A supplementation in young infants and its relationship to morbidity[abstract]Rahman, M.M.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Wahed, M.A.; Islam, M.A.; Habte, D.; Khaled, M.A.; Alvarez, J.O.
1980Oral therapy in children : a comparative study of 60, 90 and120 m/Mols of sodium/L of Glucose- electrolyte solution[abstract]Islam, M.A.; Bardhan, P.K.; Rahaman, M. M.
Jul-1998Plasma kinetics of an oral dose of [2H4]retinyl acetate in human subjects with estimated low or high total body stores of vitamin AHaskell, Marjorie J.; Islam, M.A.; Handelman, Garry J.; Peerson, Janet M.; Jones, A. Daniel; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Brown, Kenneth H.