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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1996Changes in the peripheral blood T-Cell receptor V beta repertoire in vivo and in vitro during shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Wretlind, Bengt; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
1997Charging for FP-MCH commodities and services[book chapter]Islam, Dilara; Levin, Ann; Amin, S.M. Khairul
1997The delivery of maternal, child health and family planning services through cluster visitation[book chapter]Amin, S.M. Khairul; Ashraf, Ali; Islam, Dilara
8-Mar-1990Development of an immunodiagnostic assay for the detection of shigella and identification of species/serotype specificity directly from human samplesIslam, Dilara; Azim, Tasnim; Qadri, Firdausi; Islam, Sayedul
2000Disease-dependent changes in T-cell populations in patients with shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Christensson, Birger
2001Downregulation of bactericidal peptides in enteric infections: a novel immune escape mechanism with bacterial DNA as a potential regulatorIslam, Dilara; Bandholtz, Lisa; Nilsson, Jakob; Wigzell, Hans; Christensson, Birger; Agerberth, Birgitta; Gudmundsson, Gudmundur
6-Jan-1997Effect of zinc supplementation on the immune and inflammatory responses of children to shigella dysenteriae type 1 infection, and correlation with clinical severity of illness and growth following recoveryAzim, Tasnim; Roy, Swapan Kumar; Fuchs, George; Raqib, Rubhana; Islam, Dilara; Alam, Nurul Huq; Wahed, M.A.; Albert, Manuel John; Ferguson, Anne
1996Further evaluation of the oral inactivated ETEC vaccine and studies in the immune respones in acute watery diarrhoeaQadri, Firdausi; Raqib, Rubhana; Islam, Dilara; Salam, M.A.; Alam, N.H.; Bardhan, P.K.; Faruque, A.S.G.
1-Sep-1996Further evaluation of the oral inactivated ETEC vaccine and studies on the immune responses in acute watery diarrhoeaQadri, Firdausi; Raqib, Rubhana; Islam, Dilara; Salam, M.A.; Alam, N.H.; Bardhan, P.K.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Fuchs, George; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Holmgren, Jan; Wenneras, Christine; Helander, Anna
10-Aug-1996Further studies of systemic and local immune response in shigellosis in order to establish a protective vaccineIslam, Dilara; Raqib, Rubhana; Andersson, Jan; Christensson, Birger; Wretlind, Bengt; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Khan, Nurul Haque; Lindberg, A.; Fuchs, George
1996Further studies of systemic and local immune responses in shigellosis in order to establish protective vaccineIslam, Dilara; Raqib, Rubhana; Andersson, Jan; Christensson, Birger; Wretlind, Bengt; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Khan, Nurul Haque
6-Jun-1990Hemagglutination (HA) ability and adhesiveness of shigella species (part 2): characterization of the adhesin/hemagglutinin and other outer membrane components including the use of monoclonal antibodiesQadri, Firdausi; Azim, Tasnim; Hossain, Shaikh Abu; Islam, M. Sayedul; Mondol, Gabriel; Islam, Dilara; Tzipori, Saul
Sep-1997Higher proportion of CD8+ T cells in the blood in healthy adults from Ethiopia and Bangladesh compared with SwedenWorku, Shewangizaw; Christensson, Birger; Björkman, Andres; Islam, Dilara
2-Aug-1998Immune responses in children with both acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALARI) and diarrheaIslam, Dilara; Brooks, Abdullah; Salam, M.A.; Raqib, Rubhana; Saha, Shamir K.; Amin, M.Ruhul; Christensson, Birger; Mathan, V.I.
May-1995Immunoglobulin subclass distribution and dynamics of Shigella-specific antibody responses in serum and stool samples in shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Wretlind, Bengt; Ryd, Marie; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
Sep-1997In situ characterization of inflammatory responses in the rectal mucosae of patients with shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Veress, Bela; Bardhan, Pradip Kumar; Lindberg, Alf A.; Christensson, Birger
12-Nov-1998The influence of innate immune mechanisms on T cell stimulation in shigellosisIslam, Dilara; Christensson, Birger
2000Mechanism of acquired immunity to E. hostolytica infection and disease in bangladeshi childrenHoque, Rashidul; Islam, Dilara; Rahman, Hamidur; Sazzaz, Hasan
Mar-1993A monoclonal antibody to Shigella dysenteriae serotype 13 cross-reacting with Shiga toxinQadri, Firduasi; Azim, Tasnim; Hossain, Anwar; Islam, Dilara; Mondol, Gabriel; Faruque, Shah Mohammad; Albert, Manuel John
28-Oct-1997Pathogensis and immune responses in patients with memingities or pneumonia due to Haemophilus InfluenzaeRaqib, Rubhana; Saha, Samir K.; Amin, Ruhul; Islam, Dilara; Albert, M. John; Salam, M.A.