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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1979The condom in rural Bangladesh [conference paper]Huber, Douglas H.; Rahman, Makhlisur; Chakraborty, J.
Aug-1979Contraceptive distribution in Bangladesh villages: the initial impactHuber, Douglas H.; Khan, Atiqur Rahman
1977COntraceptive distribution project in rural Bangladesh-one year experience[book chapter]Huber, Douglas H.; Khan, Atiqur Rahman; Curlin, George T.; Langsten, Ray
1976Contraceptive distribution project[book chapter]Huber, Douglas H.; Curlin, George; Khan, Atiqur Rahmann; Chakraborty, J.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Rahman, M.
Dec-1980Diarrhoeal disease in Bangladesh: epidemiology, mortality averted and costs at a rural treatment centreOberle, Mark W.; Merson, Michael H.; Islam, M. Shafiqul; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Huber, Douglas H.; Curlin, George
Jun-1976Household contraceptive distribution programme in rural Bangladesh- six months experienceKhan, Atiqur R.; Huber, Douglas H.
1977Household distribution of contraceptives in Bangladesh- the rural experiencesKhan, Atiqur Rahman; Huber, Douglas H.; Rahman, Makhlisur
1977Household distribution of contraceptivres in Bangladesh-rural esperienceKhan, Atiqur R.; Huber, Douglas H.; Rahman, Mokhilesur
May-1978Management of bleeding side effects of DMPA- Matlab village based distribution of injectables[conference paper]Huber, Douglas H.
1980Oral contraceptives and family health in rural BangladeshHuber, Sallic Craig; Huber, Douglas H.; Khan, Atiqur Rahman; Chakraborty, J.; Chowdhury, Abu Yusef; Rahman, Maklisur; Chowdhury, A.I.
Jul-1978A study of the field worker performance in the Matlab contraceptive distribution projectRahman, Makhlisur; Osteria, T.; Chakraborty, J.; Huber, Douglas H.; Mosley, W. Henry